Part 8

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okay, so this chapter has a lemon. comment and vote please

Aaron carried me through our room and to my bed. He walked through the door into the bathroom and came back with a cold cloth. He took the cloth and laid it gently on my eye. I smiled shyly at him from under my eyelashes. Aaron carried me into our room; he walked through the living room and sat me on before I knew what was happening he was lying on top of me on the bed. I slowly skimmed my hand down his side and towards his belt. I started to unbuckle his belt his hand stopped me.  

"No, after what just happened to you," he told me.  

"I want to" I growled back sliding my hand down to is belt, this time he didn't stop me. He reached around to my back and unzipped my dress. I stood up out of my bed and let the dress slide to the floor, leaving me exposed in a black bra and thong set. I looked at Aaron and lifted my leg over his waist. I leaned my mouth back to his but before I could Aaron brought my lips to his roughly. I pulled away and crawled down the bed. I twisted my fingers into his hair.

After it was over i was...cautious..

"What do you want to do" I asked not sure at how he was going to answer.  

"Well, I really like you. A lot." He said almost unsurely, "well I'm going home for a visit and Jason's coming with me. So when I come back we'll see how we feel. Okay?"  

"Sure," I answered trying to hide my disappointment.  

"But right now I want to think of you and me, no future plans. Just us." He told me putting his lips to mine. I let him trying to hold back the tears. He doesn't care about me. I thought almost breaking into tears. I buried my face in his neck, breathing in his scent. I quickly fell asleep feeling safe in his arms.  

When I awoke the next morning Aaron was still asleep. I looked at him closely; the way his chest moved with every breath and how occasionally he would smile at his dream. I got out of his bed slowly managing not to wake him. I walked into the kitchen to find my other roommates already awake.  

"Hey guys. Why do you look so tired? "I asked taking in the bags under their eyes and the way they hunched over onto the kitchen table. They looked very very sleepy.  

"Well you and Aaron had your little "sex" time and you kept us up with, 'OH YES AARON! And 'ELIZA! All night," I felt my face flush scarlet red.  

"I'm sorry guys," I told them starring down at the floor.  

"Hey," Neil said walking over to me and pulling up my face by my chin," look at me," he ordered, "don't be sorry, if it were you and me in there we would be so much louder," Neil joked. And when our eyes locked I felt that he meant the words he said. Again I blushed and walked toward the cabinet that held our cereal. I pulled out a box of lucky charms and a bowl, the spoon and of course the milk. I poured a rather...large bowl.  

"How can you look like that and still eat lucky charms?" Jason asked me slapping his rock hard muscles and looking at his breakfast of bananas and strawberries. I turned around and slapped my butt.  

"Well there is a little thing called...exercise!" I smiled, "there is no way in hell I exercise. I should be a fat person because I eat a lot of junk!" I laughed. I heard Jason mutter something along the lines of lucky bitch. I just laughed and sat down with my lucky charms. Soon enough Aaron woke up and walked behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear," I missed you," then he kissed my neck. Out of nowhere a hand reached around me and stole my lucky charms.  

"HEY!" I yelled at Aaron. No one steals my lucky charms, "fine." I told him smugly. I walked to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of ketchup. I walked back to him and sprayed it all over him. It soaked his t-shirt through as well as his boxers. He dumped my lucky charms on my head. I squirted him with ketchup again, he grabbed the mustard. I was covered in yellow, he in red. I smiled at him as he took me in his arms.  

"That is our cue to leave," Jason said. Neil looked at me with sad eyes then left. I brought my lips roughly to mine soon enough I was covered in ketchup. Out of nowhere our door burst open.  

"Whoa, sorry kids. I'll just talk to Eliza later," he said smiling and shaking his head. Probably thinking about the "good old days".

 "Aaron, I need to tell you something," I told him.  

"Okay, then tell me?" he said questionably.  

"I may have only known you a few days but I feel connected to you. I have never felt this way about anyone. I love you," I took a deep breath and closed my eyes expecting him to shun me.  

"I love you too," he told me. My eyes flew wide open. I was shocked, I never thought he was going to answer me quite the way he did. He placed a small kiss on my lips. I laid down my head on his chest and closed my eyes, slipping into a blissful sleep. Everything was perfect in my dreams.  

Aaron's POV  

I told her I loved her. Exactly what I had wanted to tell her all day. She could be the one for me. I buried my face in her hair and fell asleep. That night I dreamt about Eliza, pictures of little kids that looked like her and I running around. Then an image of Mandy came into my head. My ex girlfriend. The one I lost my virginity too, the first one I truly loved. Why would I dream of her? My mother always told me to pay attention to my dreams. If I dreamt of a girl that was the one I should be with, she had always told me. But I dreamt of both girls though. Witch one do I chose? I awoke with a start to find Eliza glaring at me.  

"What?" I asked trying to sound normal, not guilty.  

"Mandy?" she asked me. Shit! Did I talk in my sleep? Most likely.  

"Uh, well, she is umm..." I stuttered.  

"Who is she? I just told you I loved you, if you have a girlfriend I will kill you," she said glaring at me coldly.  

"She's just my ex girlfriend. She means nothing. My whole dream as about you and me having beautiful little kids and getting married. I dreamt about you." I tried to reassure her.  

"Okay," she gave in, climbing back into bed with me. I wrapped my arms around her and whispered one last," I love you," before we fell asleep.

Stuck at Boarding School, Rooming with 3 GuysOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora