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                                                                                      CHAPTER TWO

Captain Fuller pulled out his cell phone and touched a button. "Yeah, it's Fuller. Call in the part-timers to guard the crime scene with third shift, rotate every four hours and I need Ida Bernstein's next of kin."

He snapped his phone closed and shoved it into his shirt pocket. "Looks like you're getting a real initiation into police work your first day." He gave his complete attention to Colby. "You and Dwayne Hawkins will stand guard duty tonight, here at the scene. Do four hours, then patrol the remainder of your shift. Your personnel folder had good things to say about you. Based on that, you'll be patrolling with Jaworski, but in separate vehicles. It'll give you the chance to familiarize yourself with the routine. Stay on his bumper, Any questions, ask.He glanced at his watch. "You got a few hours left yet. Go home and get some sleep."

"What about Mrs. Charbeau?"

"She probably already knows. News travels fast around here but we need to officially notify next of kin first."

Again, his phone rang. "Fuller." He listened briefly, said "thanks" and ended the call. "Excuse me for a second." He put a little distance between them and spoke into the phone for several minutes before clicking off and motioning to her. She went to his side, noticing the drawn lines between his brows.

"The daughter has been notified. Look, Daniels, I'd prefer a more experienced officer handling the interview with your neighbor."

"I understand, Captain but I'd feel better if I was the one to tell her. It's the least I can do."

Captain Fuller sighed heavily and looked off to his right where the meadows disappeared off to the horizon. "All right but take Vitali with you, let him lead. Tell her the truth but don't offer any details. While you're at it, see if you two can get any information from her: friends, acquaintances, problems...."

"I'll do my best, Captain.

"That's all I ask."

Colby started for her cruiser, feeling the knot tighten in her gut. She was pleased at the chance to talk to Mrs. Charbeau but a little nervous of having Tom tag along. She'd already embarrassed herself today and after that little fiasco, he probably thought her unfit for the job. Of all the guys in the department, why did he have to be the first to show up? Why couldn't it have been Dwayne or one of the others instead of that sexy devil?

She exhaled through her nose and climbed into the driver's seat. She started the engine and looked for Tom and spotted him amid a huddle of blue. She gave the horn a quick tap and, everyone looked up. She beckoned to him and he jogged over, leaning down by her window. His lips so near but inaccessible. Sigh.

"Did Captain Fuller mention going to Mrs. Charbeau's with me?"

"Yeah. Give me a minute. I'll meet you there."

"Okay." She dropped the gear shift into drive and made a slow, wide U-turn in front of the garage and over the edge of the lawn, driving down past the long line of cruisers jamming the driveway. She nosed out the gate and eased by the captain's sedan taking up half the narrow street.

Barn Hollow Road was at the northernmost edge of town, barely a mile from her own place. Farmhouses, barns and double-wide trailers, interspersed with open meadows and planted fields marked the area. Horses grazed in the distance and closer by, a John Deere tractor churned up a cloud of dust and chunks of dried vegetation.

A KILLER AMONG US #SYTYCW15(Intrigue)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon