What's H and B mean?

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^^My chart of 4H to 6B

Many inexperienced artists go out and buy sketching pencils, not knowing what all those letters and numbers mean on the side like 6B, 4H, or even F.

These letters and numbers show you what thickness the lead is that is in the pencil.

As you can see above, H thicknesses are the lightest and are used for first drafts.

F is the medium thickness between H or B.

B is used for shading and final drafts, to make your sketch really stand out.

The reason the thickness scale gets so confusing with some people is because the numbers go backwards, then forwards.

4H is the lightest you can get with a standard sketching pencil pack. Think of H as being 'Hidden'. Really light pencil marks that won't stand out as much.

6B is the darkest I can get, but some packs go to 9B. Think of B for 'Bold'. Shades that will really stand out and darken up your drawings.

Never stick to just one thickness, but explore the many choices you can get your hands on.

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