Chapter 21

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Emily knew that something wasn't right. After getting out of Kyle's office, she went to the living room to watch some TV-show that was currently playing on the screen. Normally, at that time, dinner was almost prepared and she used to see Luke or Marc around the house. Instead of hearing the big wolves complain about their empty stomach, the house was submerged in silence, dead silence. If that was an indicator that something was wrong, she couldn't hear people outside the house. She decided to mind-link Brandon to ask what was going on.

He was silent for some moments till his voice echoed in her head. 

"We were attacked Emily. Luke advised us to stay at home. From his tone of voice it was something bad."

That sent Emily out the coach immediately. She had just time to ask if they were OK and mind-link Kris and Jake too. She ran out the house in the direction of her parents home. Her father had gone on patrol when she left and she feared that something could have happen to him.  

Her mother opened the door, relieved to see her there, unharmed.

"Thank god you are Ok!" She threw her arms around Emily with obvious relieve.

"Dad? Jackson?" Emily's voice sounded more of one of a child. She was scared.

"They are fine, but you shouldn't be out here, alone. Where is Kyle?" Her mother asked in a reprimanding tone.

"I.. I came alone. I don't know where he is." She said, turning her eyes to the floor. It was incredible how her mother could  always make her feel the little pup, while putting some strength to her voice.

She was a grown woman. Damn! How could she be silenced so easily? Even her wolf didn't protest but that maybe had to do with the fact that it was too worried about what was going on in the pack and those attacks. She didn't have time to defend herself. Kyle was approaching her parents house with her father and Marc. The last seemed that had been to war and come. His shoulders were down, his legs moved with the speed of a snail and his eyes seemed lost. 

Matthew gave her a hug and gestured her to follow Kyle. 

"We are here for you, Marc." Her father told the Beta, while embracing the man. "And don't worry about the funeral. I will take care of that." 

Funeral? What funeral? Who died?

Emily wasn't even sure if Marc listened to her father's words, till he gave a slight nod with his head. She decided to follow the two men without a word. The air was thick around them, making her breathing heavy. 

When they arrived at the mansion, Emily went directly to the kitchen to prepare something for them to eat. She doubted that the woman that always came to make them dinner, had show up. She wasn't an expert with cooking, but she made a soup and some spaghetti with tuna. Kyle entered the kitchen the moment she was putting the food into four plates.

"I'll take this to Marc. This one is for you and the other for Luke." She said, turning to go upstairs. Kyle grabbed her by the elbow before she could take two steps.

"Thanks, Emily. Try to understand my position. I don't want to be in the same position that Marc is at the moment." He sounded sincere and afraid of something. Emily gulped and turned to leave. He let his hand fall, but she still sensed his eyes on her back till she got out of the room.

In front of Marc's room she stopped. Her hand was shacking when she knocked. Still she didn't know who died but she wouldn't ask the man inside.

Marc appeared at the door, hair disheveled and his face somber. She showed him the food without a word. His eyes turned to the plate and he was opening his mouth to object, but Emily raised one hand stopping him. 

Dark Moon [Complete]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora