Chapter 2

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The large open clearing is comprised of numerous smooth stones. Each massive block positioned about in an unnatural circular arrangement around its perimeter. Time and the forces of nature did not wear away the land exposing these monoliths. These were entrenched here by someone or something before recorded history began. For what purpose was the question not yet known. Standing 12 feet tall and close to 4 foot wide, each towered over young Jake. More impressive than any sky rise or monument near home, Jake is awestruck yet again, for the second time in a day. Upon further investigating, Frank discovers that many of the large pines encompassing the area contain symbol style carvings of the ancient Penutian Indians that lived in the area. Frank had seen these writings many times before from the elders that often visited the town, and was friends with many of them, but these were unlike any he had ever seen. Something was off about them as if the written word could take on a sinister emotion. His curiosity shifts to uneasiness.

Jake catches a glimpse of something strange in the corner of his eye. Obfuscated by a fallen tree, a large bone protrudes from the ground. Jake bounds with the excitement of a child on Christmas, spying the first view of the presents under the tree through the haze of sleepy eyes.

"Cool!" Jake announces. His voice carries so all Washington can hear him from the mighty peak of the mountain.

Frank recoils from the loud shriek of his eight-year-old boys' unbridled excitement echoing through the tranquil surroundings of this unspoiled landscape. Frank found his religion in these hills, the encompassment of wood and foliage his church. The sounds of repose his preacher. This intrusion on its sanctity although difficult to bare would have to be accepted if he ever wanted to find a place in his dear boys heart. He wanted that more than anything.

Jake grabs hold of the large bone and with all his might he begins to yank and pull. The moistened dirt begins to yield to the young boys stubborn attempts. Each burst of enthralled wonderment loosens the land's thousand-year-old grip on the interred relic. With one last attempt, the bone frees itself. Jake stumbles backward, unready for the outcome that would inevitably follow. With too few to years on this earth, and without that foresight, he is caught off guard and for the second time in as many hours, Jake is on his butt. Moist and embarrassed yet again, the excitement of the discovery trumps all other emotion.

For the first time since pulling up to his wife's house, Frank sees a smile on his little boys face. It was in that instance he realized that he was a fool, and he had much to make up for.

"Are you alright Jake?" Frank inquires as he hurries himself to Jake's location, generally interested in both his son's discovery and well-being.

"Ya dad, I'm fine." Jake struggles to holds the large bone in the air with one hand for his father to see, while he wipes his moistened bottom with the other.

"Look what I found!"

The large femur bone is roughly the size in length as Jake himself. Having been picked clean by beetles and polished by time and weather, the bone is as white and shiny as any found in the nicest natural history museums.

"Do you think it could be like from a person or something?" inquires Jake.

Examining the bone, Frank sets it upright next to his leg. The bone reaches well up into his hip area while resting the distal end on the forest floor.

"No son, it's way too big to be human, probably just a Black Bear bone."

Jake knew his father would know. No need to press the matter further. He would often challenge his mother, constantly questioning her intelligence compared to his. Often attempting to foster the acceptance of his place as the man in the family, even at the young age of eight. Definitely a gene handed down by his father.

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