Chapter 20

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Marc glanced down at his phone as it went off. He finished helping Ariel out of the car before he answered the call from Alice. "Hey, what's up?" Marc wondered.

"Where are you?" Alice asked immediately.

"Uh, just got home from picking Ariel up from school. Why, what's up?" He could tell something wasn't exactly right by the tone of her voice.

"Is Brendan with you? Or do you know where he is?"

"Um... no. What's going on?" Marc insisted more firmly. "Is he okay?"

"Well I can't find him. But I just was getting Eric myself from school, and I overheard some of the office talking," she paused hesitating. "I think one of Brendan's students is reporting him for sexual harassment?"

"What?" Marc guffawed. "That's ridiculous."

"I know. I just overheard a little bit, they mentioned him and then said he might be suspended from the grounds until they can get it figured out, but he's not at school for them to talk to so I don't know if he knows," Alice explained. "The security was there talking and all."

Marc swore under his breath. "I'll call him. Thanks."

This was stupid. How did that even come about? Marc tried calling Brendan a few times but got no answer. He swore again, not caring that Ariel was giving him one of those glares that said she knew he shouldn't be saying it. He loaded her back into the car. "Are we going back?" she wanted to know. "Why?"

"Just a little problem at school," Marc said, buckling her in. "I need to talk to someone there."

Marc hated all of the traffic and how long it took for him to get back, calling Brendan all the way. He had a suspicion that Brendan was at the studio and had his hands too busy to answer or notice.

Marc took Ariel back into the school with him and sat her down in the front of the office. The security guards were talking with one of the secretaries, content to ignore that Marc was there one they had given him a glance. Marc huffed and went back into the offices as if he was supposed to be there.

He found the one with the closed door and peeked in the side window. He spotted the dean, another teacher and what looked like a parent and student. Marc let himself in then, aware that the conversation abruptly stopped.

"Can I help you?" the dean asked shortly. "We're in the middle of something here."

Marc spared a glance at the student—a girl that he didn't recognize. She didn't look distraught or traumatized, or even like she cared what was going on. The mom looked furious and was shooting daggers at Marc for being in there.

"This is about Mr. Snowden, isn't it?" Marc insisted. "Something about one of his students?"

"This doesn't concern you," the dean snapped. "Unless you have anything to bring forward."

"I do," Marc bit the inside of his cheek from trying not to smile too deviously as he said it. "Mr. Snowden is gay. She's not exactly his type." He jerked a thumb in the girl's direction.

The mom began to sputter angrily. "She spends too much time in his classroom after school, alone even! What else could they be doing?"

"I'd rather wait to hear from Mr. Snowden," the dean muttered, picking up her phone for what he figured was to try calling Brendan.

"Mr. Snowden is gay," Marc repeated again, this time to the mother. "I would know. We're dating."

"See mom I told you," the girl finally spoke up quietly. "Nothing is going on! I just like hanging out in his classroom. And it's not alone, there are other students there too."

Externalizing [mxm]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora