New Age Exorcisms

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It took a few days, almost a full week, for the council to stop scoffing and laughing and to not only agree to an exorcism, but to provide capable white witches along with a building to do the ritual safely in. Over the course of those few days, the old ones were rising in power. They had caused 'natural disasters' in areas where those kinds of disasters where extremely abnormal, and caused the media and public to go completely insane over it. Humans were afraid of what was happening to their planet, but the humans in Lost's city where absolutely terrified. There, fires and more earthquakes occurred, and it didn't help that there was a killer on the loose. Women were afraid to leave their homes for fear of being kidnapped and killed, men were afraid of leaving as well for fear of being caught in another building fire or trapped in an earthquake, which were getting more intense. End of the world theorists came out of the woodwork like hungry worms, and people scoffed at them, not knowing that they could possibly be right.

Lost drove through the city with Tiffany, who insisted she come along to help. Gerry was with Kahlan at the apartment and the two were being watched by Cane. The streets were clogged with fire trucks and police cars, for entirely different reasons. Another fire had broken out downtown in a very popular mall while another woman had been kidnapped from her home. It seemed the killer was encouraged to go through with his own ritual at a rapid rate, knowing he could get away with it easier now that the city had other things to worry about. The state of the world both disgusted and worried Lost like never before.

"She said it was in the warehouse district," Tiffany said as they passed a police check point. Despite Lost's thought of the police being incompetent, they were working extremely hard to get their city under control.

Lost drove on to the warehouse district, then slowed when they were close. "Which one?"

Tiffany pointed them to the back. Lost parked in an empty space the got out of the car with Tiffany, moving to find the entrance to the warehouse. Deanna was standing outside the door, waiting. She was present to summon the old ones. "In here," she said, waving her arm.

Everyone was ushered inside the building to see the ritual setup. Five white witches were standing about with their totems, praying before everything was to begin. There was a pig mulling in a little pen in the middle of them all. It was to be host for the old ones, requested by Lost in place of an actual human. The host was to be killed when the old ones were inside it, to rid the world of the old ones for good, and Lost didn't want to murder innocents. The pig was going to be slaughtered anyway for its meat, so Lost had no qualms about killing it. Though the white witches, against any kind of loss of life if it's not purely evil, were obviously uncomfortable with what had to be done. Their aversion to death was the reason Lost was here. Someone had to put the pig down.

"Ladies," Deanna called, her voice echoing in the large space. "Are you ready?"

The white witches finished up their prayers then took their designated spots around the pig pen. Deanna and Tiffany, the summoners of the old ones, stood between the white witches and the pen. There were firm nods all around when everyone was ready, then Deanna and Tiffany held hands for power and begun the summons. Lost stood back in the shadows with the ritual knife left for her to use on the pig when the time was right. She flipped it in the air and caught the handle, then tested the sharpness by poking her finger with the tip. A droplet welled up over her skin and she sucked it away.

Tiffany and Deanna's Latin reached a crescendo. They held up their combined hands and shouted at the air, angry and demanding. Last time, Lost had to give herself up for the old ones to show, but Deanna used blood magic this time to make her summons stronger. Tiffany brought along an artifact from her shop to add to Deanna's power. The combination worked, and soon the ground was rumbling and the old ones cried in agony at being forced to be present. The air swirled as they fought being pushed into the pig, and Tiffany and Deanna shouted louder to numb their fight. Lost held tightly to her blade as the Latin being screamed turned into Siren-esque screeching. She squinted in the raging tornado of paint like swipes in the air and held her position. The white witches watched on with mildly disturbed features.

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