Chapter Seven:Late Night Visits?

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"Characterize people by their actions and youll never be fooled by their words."


Alex's POV

"H-How did you know that Nicolai is my mate?" I stuttered.

"Well, first and foremost, the Alpha does not, and I repeat does not ever bring anyone to the pack house unless you are a friend or he sent for you. Secondly, the way you spoke to him at the training grounds, he would have killed anyone else but here you are in flesh and blood."


"I think we should get back. I am the Alpha's sub-beta and all but I don't want to feel his wrath." We walked silently back to the pack house. When we got there, we greeted the guards and entered.

Nicolai was in the hall with his beta, Demetri. I ignored them and made my way up the stairs to my room, took a shower and went to sleep. I ignored the rumble of my tummy signaling that I was hungry. I didn't want to go down there and meet Nicolai and his beta.

I woke up. I checked the time and it was almost two in the morning. The reason why I woke was simple.

I needed to find food!


I saw something at the corner of my eye and oh well, I went to take a closer look at whatever it was. I was shocked! There was a tray of food. And judging by the aroma it would be delicious and it was also still warm.

I sat down and after contemplating on whether or not to eat this food, I ate it.

Don't blame me but my stomach!

I drank the water to wash down the food. I was satisfied and grateful to whoever it was that brought the food. I heard a sound coming from the room next to mine-Nicolai's room.

What to do?

I opened my door and stepped out of the room. Movement ceased in Nicolai's room but I was already out so I might as well finish my late-night journey. I turned the knob of Nicolai's door and entered.

The most amazing and enchanting smell greeted me -Nicolai's scent. Every inch of the room smelt of him. His room was pretty much normal. The walls are white. The bed was black, as well as the duvet on the bed. The pillows were white though. I must say that the room was nice and also spotlessly clean.

My eyes shifted to the only man standing at the window, a far away and lost look on his face.

"I know you are standing there" Nicolais voice shattered the silence.

What did I want? I've got no clue!

I shrugged. I was aware he couldn't see me because the lights were off and his back was turned to me. His muscles seemed tense. Was it my presence? I looked at him one last time and turned to leave but he surprised me.

"Don't leave." I stayed rooted to my spot. I turned and so did Nicolai. He ran his hands through his hair and his muscles flexed. He was shirtless and was wearing shorts. He walked towards me holding my gaze.

Even if I wanted to turn away I couldn't. He was something else and even though his eyes gave nothing away, tonight, right here he seemed troubled. I could just sense that he wasn't well, not physically but mentally. He seemed so lost and out of this world. Truth be told, I kind of felt bad for him. I really did know nothing about him.

What was his past like?

How was growing up like knowing you would have to follow orders because you had to be trained to be a powerful person- an alpha?

What demons does he wrestle with?

I could feel the sexual tension and actual tension between us but the dominant one was the sexual tension.

"You can work with Dr. Kent but only till noon" Nicolai surprised me yet again. I guess Travis did speak to him.

"Thank you" I said excitedly and hugged him. Nicolai tensed. His arms just hang beside him as I hugged him. I didn't let go because I was happy and in a good mood.

"When can I start? Tomorrow perhaps?"

"No. Not tomorrow. Next week" The week was almost ended so I didn't have to wait that long.

"Thank you, Nicolai" I emphasized the Nicolai.

"Um...I... I want to apologize again for the way I treated you when we first met. Calling you a killer and all. You are right, I don't know anything about you. So, can we start afresh?"

"Fine. Let's start over." Nicolai shook my outstretched hand.

"Well...goodnight." I was happy. I had accomplished three things today.

1. I've been to Nicolai's room.

2. I got to apologize for my behavior and

3. We are starting all anew.

"Sweet dreams Dria" Nicolai surprised me yet again.

I jumped into bed and with a huge smile on my face, Morpheus claiming me not long after.


The weekend passed in a blur. Nicolai went back to his old, normal self and that constituted of him ignoring me and acting as if I didnt exist. I have to admit that it hurt a bit but I still had hope. If he was able to act nice with me, then there was a bit of goodness in him.

At least with regards to me.

I wore jeans and a shirt and held my hair in a ponytail. I was so ecstatic. I picked my duffle bag and descended the stairs. Breakfast was already on the kitchen counter so I helped myself to some bacon, scrambled eggs and a glass of juice.

Travis later joined me and I was actually happy to see him. I think I could consider him a friend now.


"Hi. Heard you are going to work and I will be your plus two the whole day. Alpha's orders" I nodded mouth full to speak. I gestured for him to feed himself and after we left for the pack hospital.


I left the pack hospital when the clock struck twelve because I didn't want to defy Nicolai and make him change his mind. Travis was with me throughout the day but kept a safe distance. As soon as I got to the pack house, I took a shower and changed into different clothing.

Travis was still waiting for me when I got down so I prepared lunch for the two of us. After, I asked him to take me to the training grounds. This time he did not object for which I was grateful.

The warriors paused what they were doing to look at us but returned the training. Travis bowed and greeted Nicolai and again, and as usual I could care less. There was no way I could bow my head down to him.

His eyes and posture at usual gave nothing away.

"Yeah, yeah, don't ask me what I am doing here" I said before he could even open his mouth to talk. He seemed taken aback but remained quiet.

"I want you to train me" I felt everyone eyes on me but went on as if they weren't there.

"Since I only work till noon you can train me. I'd go back to the pack house after work and get something to eat and then you could train me from say two to four. So, what do you say? Do you agree?"

"You have no idea what you are getting yourself into"

"Then show me I was determined and not even Nicolai's rudeness or cruelty is going to deter me.

I hope that you all liked this chapter.Thanks to all those who have made it this far.

What do you think will happen?Do you think Nicolai will go easy on her?

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