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He's standing there. Alone. She ruined the place he lived in. The place that he roamed for so long. She ruined all the people that lived there, everyone he loved to catch up with. It's all gone. It's all ruined. Because of her. Because of Zoey Ram.

    She never came back for him. He was always there for her, but when he needed her the most she wasn't there. She promised to help him, but she couldn't. She didn't even try.

    The mist creeps around the vulnerable ghost. It's blackness almost inviting to him. He doesn't scream when it crawls through him, knowing no one will hear him. He just accepts it. Suddenly he feels anger towards the kid that took his home away from him. With every passing second he blames her more and more. The black mist envelops him entirely, finally finding a true body to take it's spirit.

    It speaks to the ghost. Marcus.

    "What's happening?"


    Marcus is too far gone to fight anymore. He believes in the black mist, and he lets it take control. It flows through him, bringing color to his translucent body, bringing black blood to pump through his reforming veins. It wills his long dead heart to start pumping again. Suddenly he can walk and feel the ground beneath him. Suddenly he can breathe and taste the soot and debris around him.

    Marcus can't focus on his revived body though. All he can think about is how he's going to take revenge for his stolen home. He must do it. There's no other option.

    He must kill Zoey Ram.

Hey guys!! Well here we are, the end of the Real Ram. Don't worry, there will be a sequel, and it will start up once I feel like I have a good plot forming from it. I'll start the new story on my works list so you can add it to your library. For now I'm going to be lame and call it "The Real Ram 2" but if any of you have some new title names I'd love to hear them. Please comment them in the sequel's comments. :)

Thank you so much for coming along with me on this adventure of a book. I want to let you all know that I smiled at every comment you guys have written, and every message you guys have sent. Honestly you guys kept me on track in writing this book, and if it wasn't for you guys this book would still be about halfway finished. Thank you so much for being an awesome audience and for being beautiful people, every single one of you. Love you all!!!


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