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1: The genders will pretty much vary, so don't get angry if your girl doesn't have a guy or vice versa.

:2: This will be a limited rp and I will explain further in the explanation.

:3: We will only be having Demons, Angels, Humans, "Vampires", Witches and hunters for now. If I decided to add more species I'll let you know.

:4:Please no first person. I'd rather have an intelligent response to what I post. I'm not a length Nazi, but if you're role playing with someone and they make a 1000 character post, I would like for you to try and match it. Conversations die out when you get lazy and don't write a fair bit.

::No God modding. You are not God or any goddess, so don't pretend you are. I don't care if you're a witch, vampire, werewolf, human, or Buddha, for crying out loud; you can't control other peoples characters.

:5:I got this from a friend, and it really works XD Soooooooo....Look for the error

:6:Violence, Drama, sex and ect is acceptable. This is not Disney we aren't going to sensor it because you can't handle a little maturity. However please keep it in the comment chain, we dont need to see your characters naughtiness all over our news feed.

:7:Don't just join, and never come back. I mean I understand we all have lives, but I'm sure you can find time in your schedule, to make a post at least. Or if you know you're gonna be busy and have little time to post, just wait and join when you have more time.

:8: Don't be afraid to pm me or come talk to me if you have a issue. I'm a friendly and laid back girl, I don't bite XD

:9: If you are on a mobile device and using the app, let me know and I'll be happy to up the post after nine comments. Other than that, WE WILL NOT BE BREAKING COMMENT CHAIN UNLESS SIMON (MOI) SAYS SO. Though I haven't had that problem lately and I've been using my app on my phone, so I know that you can reply under a chain.

:10: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, fill free to jump into other peoples conversations. I don't want anyone feeling left out, and there should be no excuse if we're all under one comment chain. HOWEVER, just make sure you aren't jumping into a romantic moment or a deep conversation, it really sucks when you're having this awesome moment and then someone just randomly pops in. It's awkward and makes no sense.

:11: Everyone loves Drama, but please keep it in the RP. I really hate it when a good rp turns into BAD GIRLS Club between the users. I will remember you and I won't be so happy -.- for future endeavors.

:12: I know it can get real hard sometimes when you're roleplaying, but please stay true to your character. Yes it's okay for your character to change a bit, we want that. However don't make it happen all of a sudden and don't just have them completely go from Goodie too shoes, to a psychotic killer.

:13: Don't be afraid to PM ME ABOUT PLOT TWISTS. I FANCY THEM! As a writer I always love it when my friends, family or fans send me plot twists for my stories. I love incorporating ideas from others, it just adds to the beauty of a work. HOWEVER, don't just throw them out of the blue all willy nilly and expect me to be happy or go along with what you just did. I have to make sure they fit in my general plot and if there is any way for it to work.

:14: Do not just kill of other people's characters, unless they give you permission. Overall I hold the power here, and if I want someone killed then I will let you know. Though I'm not going to just say go kill this person without asking the owner of that character first. Be respectful please.

:15: Last but not least, be creative with your characters. Make it come alive as if it was a moving picture.

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