Praise For The Blurt Of Richard Davies

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For those of you who are still unsure, these are comments made by previous readers.

"This is really good. Lots of great details. And of course the eerie parallels with reality. Will be interesting to see where it goes. "

"Your descriptions of a future world are fantastic: eerie, complex, well-thought out and downright scary even and yet at the same time the bones of the old world shine through and make this feel like a warning."

"I don't know much about British politics, but you've got some very intricate detail going on here so I can see all the moving parts of this dystopia. This is very well done."

"This is actually scary!"

"Love the writing."

"Good paragraph and story development... I added it to my reading list to be enjoyed later."

"I love this disturbing idea of a nanny state gone horribly wrong."

"I enjoyed your first chapter. Your world building is superb, chilling and well thought out... I liked how you made everything seem horrifyingly realistic - your eye for detail is impressive... You scared me. I wouldn't want to live in a world like that... "

"How is this not getting more reads? I see some distinct parallels to "our" world."

"A good forecast for the way our society is going."

"I'm loving the new London!"

"It's a hilarious book, I absolutely loved the descriptions in it. The narrator is fantastic and often very funny, and it observes very well how current trends could lead."

"I liked the reporter/journal narrative - it was clinical but made the world seem REAL. You scared me. I wouldn't want to live in a world like that... You manage to evoke a stifling atmosphere of fear, paranoia and despair. Richard seems like an everyman - I like those type of heroes - so I felt like I could relate to him. I liked that you showed his vulnerability and optimism before he discovers his fate... "

"This looks like a really interesting read. Quality writing and full of detail without being overloaded with information. I've come away with a (probably wrong) view of the country which sounds pretty grim - nuclear winter? I'm looking forward to finding how you've built this dystopia."

"You're a modern Orwell. This is fascinating."

"Yours is the first story I have actually been motivated to read word-by-word rather than give a cursory scan. I'd be willing to bet it is also one of the most literate and relevant stories I will ever find here. This is great stuff. Bleak, grim and entirely plausible. Thank you. I'm definitely reading the whole book."

"This is one of the most fully-realized dystopian novels I've ever read. This chapter was both heartbreaking and chilling."

"This is a fantastic read especially for those people who are aware of what's going on in the UK right now."

"A nice, evocative and entirely plausible opening. There is not nearly enough dystopian fiction set in Waterlooville."

"Wow! Your writing is amazing!"

"Whenever I dip into this work I'm always amazed by the detail you put in - it makes the narrative very believable and therefore all the more frightening."

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