Chapter 27

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Edit: July 2nd, 2017.

Jada's POV

I watch as Alex nervously heads to the door. I can see from the corner of my eyes that she's on the verge of tears.

It wasn't suppose to turn out like this. It's still not, and I need to do something, I can't lose my best friend again.

"Alex wait! Please stop," I speak up, scared. She slows her pace, but continues to limp to the door without looking back at me. "We have to do something!" I yell to thin air. "Stop her!"

I get blank expressions.

Nobody's moving. Not shaking, trembling, fidgeting, nothing. Nobody's facial expressions show regret. No mercy, no devastation, not nervousness. They seem completely fine with the fact that their friend is sacrificing herself, when IT truly isn't necessary.

She reaches the doorway and turns the handle. The door creaks open and she takes one slow, quick glance and gives me an oh well smile and shrug. She pays no attention to anyone else and just focuses her glare at me. Before she moves, and before I start crying, I mouth,

I'm sorry.

She then takes a foot outside, and disappears into Hell's House. I don't know what it is, but my body isn't letting me move. I can't run after her to save her and I can't even let anything escape my lips. I stare in shock and sorrow on what has just happened.

I feel my sadness fade and fury come in.

"How..." My voice cracks, "how could you do this? How could you let your fucking friend leave into a storm of walkers?! How will you live with yourself knowing you just let a strong and broken girl live and sacrifice herself for you then die sad because nobody stopped her? Nobody cared about what she did, who she is? Who are you people to do that?" I yell angrily. I moved my eyes to my friends, who I am utterly angry with most. "And you," I snarl, "you people should feel the worst. She trusted all of you and you betray her and agree with these assholes that we helped save?! I don't know who you are anymore!"

"You're no better, Jada. You let her go, too." Indiana says.

"You shut your mouth. You probably planned this."

"So what if I did? Clearly you guys don't care about her enough to stop her."

I scoff and storm away, looking for a place where I can let my anger out. Who was I to let her leave? I could have left with her. I could have tried to get her to stay, but I didn't.

I betrayed her, too. Indiana is right; I'm just as bad as everyone else, if not worse.

I sink my head into one of the pillows in the bed in the attic. I cry swiftly and try not to think about anything that happened just moments ago.

"Remember that time we went to your grandma's cottage? How we ran around the beach and swam in the ocean?"


"And how we made that promise to never leave each other and that we'd be there for one another no matter what?"

"I do."

"I won't. No matter what we're going through. Fighting, dying, anything. I really do promise to never leave you... if you sacrifice yourself? I will too. If you decide to go skydiving? Give me a parachute. You're my ride or die. And I hope we're together for as long as possible. Even in the impossible."

A School ApocalypseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon