Chapter 18 - Just Like That

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I resurfaced with a gasp of warm September air, struggling to catch my breath. I was also struggling to keep myself from smiling since I was still angry at John, but it proved to be very difficult as his amused, lopsided grin was so goddamn contagious.

John was still laughing at me, looking so relaxed and unbothered as his body swayed slightly with the small ripples that our presence was causing. He watched me, a fire in his eyes that made me feel both really sexy and really self-conscious.

"What are you looking at me like that for?" I asked him with a shy smile, smoothing my hair. I was grateful I wasn't wearing any make-up today, or else it'd be running down my face right now.

"Are you still mad at me?" he asked, swimming a little closer.

"Yes," I answered, but the lie was obvious in the way I looked up at him with such longing, or the way my body reacted when he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in. "I'm not kissing you after what you did," I giggled.

"Okay, fine, don't," John shrugged. His eyes were wild with mischief when our gazes met each other, locking there for a lingering moment. He leaned in close, his lips not quite touching mine. Oh God, he was doing that thing again where he was completely irresistible.

My lips parted desperately, every inch of my body screaming at me to reach for him and never let him go.

"But I'm gonna kiss you if you don't mind," he said as his hand settled briefly at the base of my neck. I expected his lips to take mine, but John had other ideas. His kisses started near my ear, leaving behind a tingling sensation. He continued down my jaw, trailing all the way to my collar bone. His lips sent a whole new kind of shiver running down my spine.

I shuttered and whimpered under his rugged touch, needing him, begging him not to stop. I wasn't thinking with my brain anymore and quite frankly, I didn't care. He was here, I was here: that's all that mattered right now. My fingers gripped his thick black hair and I dipped my head back. Oh my God.

His hands were gentle and firm, teasing me, getting to know me, running the length of my back and settling on my hips, his thumbs drawing invisible patterns on my skin. He was doing all of these things to me, igniting fires in me I didn't even know were possible. If his lips and his hands could do that so easily, what would it be like to–?

Wait, no, no, don't stop!

I stared, mouth gaping. He smirked and propelled himself away from me, slowly disappearing under the water's surface. I could still feel his presence on my skin and the effects were enough to make me swoon.


I watched his distorted frame as he swam towards me and gasped when I felt his arms wrap around my waist. I let out a sound halfway between a squeal and a giggle, managing to hold my breath just as he pulled me under to greet him.

When we resurfaced together seconds later, my legs were wrapped around his hips and my arms were draped loosely over his shoulders, the tips of my fingers playing the short hair at the back of his head.

"Hi," I whispered breathlessly.

"Hi," he drawled, leaning in, his mouth capturing mine with furious intensity. He kissed me long and slow; it was his turn to beg for me, needing me. My mouth parted and I let him in, my arms tightening around him. For a moment that could've been hours, the world around us stopped.

When we finally had the willpower to break apart, I was dizzy and breathless. He pulled on my lower lip with his teeth and I let out a soft moan.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to you kissing me like that," I whispered.

"Well you better. I plan on doing it for a long time," he grinned. "You're shivering like a leaf..." he added, brushing his fingertips over the goosebumps on my arms.

"I'm getting hungry too," I admitted sheepishly, running my fingers over his jaw, tracing the jagged scar on his cheek.

"I make a mean burger," he told me as we made our way out of the water. He reached for me and I took his hand, letting him pull me up.

"Mm, a man that'll cook for me, I think I'll keep you," I grinned.


I stoked the campfire, watching the blaze erupt and dissipate up into the inky black sky. I could hear Carly rummaging about inside the tent; she was in there changing into her sweats, although at this point I was pretty sure she was trying to put on a couple snowsuits on top, considering how long she'd been in there.

"Are you still alive in there?" I called.

She unzipped the tent entrance and crawled out with a frustrated huff. "I'm trying to get these knots out of my hair... I forgot to bring a hairbrush. Thanks a lot, this is your fault," she said, sitting down next to me.

"What did I do?" I argued back.

"You're the one that got it wet and messed it all up," she said obviously, her fingers busy working on some of the tangles.

"Don't worry about it, you look hot," I smirked.

"You won't be saying that in the morning when it's dry," she blushed.

"Fine, goddamn it, come here," I said dramatically, grinning as I reached for her hand and pulled her up onto my lap. "Turn around," I instructed.

I pulled her hair back, my fingers brushing against the side of her neck and causing her to shiver underneath my touch. Slowly and patiently, determined not to hurt her, I let my fingers work on the tangles.

She let out a moan of satisfaction and a low chuckle left my chest.

When I was done I pulled her hair to one side and kissed her neck, my arms wrapping around her middle and holding her close to me. She leaned back and I let my chin rest on her shoulder, watching the flames.

"John," she said.

"Mmhm," I replied.

"Can I ask you something?" she wondered, wriggling a little in my lap so that she could look at me, her expression dead serious.

"Yeah," I replied, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear and watching that pretty smile of hers creep back onto her lips.

"We haven't talked about us... where this is going..." she said.

"That's not a question," I chuckled.

"I'm being serious," she glared.

"I know," I nodded.

"...because I really need to know where your head is at... Is this just something fun for you... are you just killing time until something else comes along...or...?" she hesitated, looking down at our intertwined fingers. "Are you serious about me?"

"I'm serious about you," I answered easily.

"So what does that mean?" she asked.

"It means I plan on falling head over heels in love with you," I said, just like that.

Her lips parted but she didn't say anything. For a moment, as my heart slammed against my chest, I realized how idiotic that sounded. A little over a month ago I drove back into her life, and now I was telling her this? She had every right to be weirded out.

"Okay... Good..." she said, a slow smile forming on her face as she lowered herself down to kiss me. "...because I plan on falling in love with you too," she whispered against my lips.


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