01. Pre-Stars

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Nora sighed as she placed her pen on the table, Nora's black curls hang in front of her eyes, she brushed them away. Nora glanced at her twin, Carrie. Carrie was, of course, drawing, she was drawing something to do with a star and a love heart, Nora didn't know. She pulled her headphones out and shoved them into her pencil case.

Carrie glanced to her left when she heard movement, other then the scratching of a pen on paper. Nora was fixing up her Tie-Dye Gradient Cardigan. Carrie sighed and leaned back in her seat, still staring at her notebook. She pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.

The two girls were in Drama, despite the fact that Carrie is kinda shy and rather quite, she still enjoyed it. And now, she was trying to write a small skit. It was frustrating her. Their parents had a hard time figuring out why Carrie was doing Drama, but they ended up rolling with it, the two 18 years olds were in year 12, and both of them were already planning their gap year in Hawaii. Doesn't mean they're gonna do it, it just means that they're planning it.

When they were younger, it was never hard to remember whose who, the reason? The twins were actually Biracial, it was a shock to nearly all, but it does make sense, Nora took after her mother, who was half Jamaican, Nora has dark skin and black curly hair, like her mother, meanwhile Carrie, with orange hair, blue eyes and rather pale skin, took after her father.

Like the girls looks, their personalities were quiet different, apart from a couple of things that make them nearly inseparable. Carrie, is more serious, she has her head in the clouds most of the time and tends to be the brains of the two, she tries to see reason in everything and always looks for answers. She is also quiet generous and humble, she tries to help anyone and anything she can. She is rather understanding and very observant.

Carrie has an odd fascination with martial arts, so she dedicated a quarter of her life to learning it, she knows more than 6 forms of martial arts. Carrie also loves dancing, and when she starts, she will make sure she beats you, an odd personality trait that you wouldn't expect to see in her is the fact that she can be competitive, everyone thought that'd be Nora. The form of dancing that Carrie loves the most and can do the best would be tap dancing. Nora and Carrie learnt tap since the age of 11 and have gone strong since then, their teachers are the Swift family, Harry and Oscar swift (brothers) and Grant Swift (father) all of them are pretty close. Carrie is actually closer to Harry who has more of Nora's personality, he's outgoing, hardworking, and a little loud, he has a way of making her smile.

Nora on the other hand spends more time with Oscar, he is a bit more quiet, very musical and pretty much has Carrie's personality, apart from a couple of changes. Now, Nora is pretty much the opposite of Carrie, Nora has a happy-go-lucky attitude and always tries to optimistic, Nora although caring and generous, isn't as much as Carrie. Like Carrie she is a great dancer and good with martial arts, she is more down-to-earth and can give a touch of reality to Carries world, grounding her at the right times. Nora is very protective and unlike Carrie thinks with her heart, when it comes to decisions, the two are a team not to be reckoned with, if they can put their two ways of thinking together without trying to kill each other. Nora usually sends out a calm and mature vibe, and she doesn't crack under pressure, well, she doesn't normally crack.

The two girls make a great team, but like all siblings, they did argue.

Nora smiled slightly as she handed Carrie a mintos under the table, Carrie nodded her thanks as she unwrapped it, and popped it into her mouth, Carrie might not like to do the wrong thing but she will with some things.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2015 ⏰

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