Ch 12 - Gentleman

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It was like we were watching a spy movie.

Six stood up from my bed, sprinted to my already open window and dived out. My weakness was forgotten as I jumped up and ran to the window to check if he was ok. I caught him just as he landed on the ground.

Like a freaking graceful puma.

He flashed me a smirk. "Check your phone."

I'm lucky my legs didn't give in when he winked.

I watched as he ran over to our wall before jumping over it like it was one of those things runners jump over on a track. Honestly, I don't think I'll ever get over the mystery and sexiness that is Six, or TXD as he shall be known in my heart.

Yes, my heart.

"That has to be one of the coolest things I have ever seen in my life," Nick said, stealing the words right out of my mouth.

My father however, wasn't the least bit impressed. "Noelle."

"Dad," I replied.

"I thought I told you how I feel about that boy," he said in annoyance.

I shook my head. "You said you don't trust him. You said nothing about me being forbidden from seeing him."

"Well, I forbid you," he said strongly.

I shrugged before walking to my closet. "Then I'm moving out."

"WHAT?" Viola and Nick shouted as I walked out of my closet with a bag.

"I don't know what I feel for Six as yet, and neither do I know if anything will form between us-"

"If it already hasn't," Sunny interjected. I shot her a look.

"As I was saying; I don't know if anything will form between us, but I do know that you hate him for all the wrong reasons, and if you refuse to believe me when I say that he's a good person, then I'll move out because we're going to keep fighting over him since I have no intentions of staying away from him," I told my father. I was surprised when sadness settled in his eyes.

"You would choose him over me?" he asked lowly.

I walked over to him and held his hand. "When I was nine, a wise man taught me that justice should always prevail, no matter your emotions. The wise man is being a hypocrite right now."

My heart broke when a tear left his eye. "You're my only baby girl Noelle. I was denied the opportunity to raise you because your mother judged me based on bad decisions I made in my past and made the courts believe that I am a bad father. I refuse to lose you again. I refuse to be everything she painted me to be."

I had to hug him.

I honestly had no idea that it had been that hard for him without me. If anything, I've always felt that he didn't fight for me. My mother and my aunt always painted him in such a bad light that I guess I started to believe them as time went.

In reality, he's nothing like what they made him out to be.

"I love you dad, and I promise that you wont lose me, or at least not because of Six. How about we compromise and say that I'm not allowed to have Six over?" I bargained.

"You're allowed to go to him?" he asked unsurely.

"It's only fair honey," Viola jumped in. I shot her a grateful look.

"She's not going to stop seeing him dad, so you may as well agree," Nick added, to which Sunny and Bridgette elbowed him for.

My dad sighed. "I don't like this one bit, but I trust you to be smart and to take care of yourself."

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