1.3M 40.1K 16.4K

I promise to make them longer as we go along! But some people were being awfully demanding. ;) lol


Soon a familiar woman walks in, I recognize her from when I was in the cells. She has short light brown hair, falling along her jawline and big brown doe eyes. Her figure stood taller than mine but not crazy tall. She appears quite... Innocent looking. I felt like I could trust her.

"Blaire," Darren starts. "This is Lilian, Erik's mate. Okay? Lilian is going to clean you up and get you into some fitting clothes."

No Darren?

I merely nod. I like Lilian already. I didn't like anyone really, but I think I like Lilian. She walks over and helps me to stand, but when we get to the stairs I pause, I did not like stairs.

"Darren, you have to carry up the stairs!" Lilian calls, I shake my head frantically. No he doesn't! In an instant Darren is there, picking me up and starting up the stairs.

I tense, automatically leaning away. He lets out a sigh, his face holding frustration and anger. I bite my lip to keep myself from whimpering. When we get to the top, he gives me a look, speaking with his eyes. But I don't read it, he sets me down and passes Lilian on his way back down.

Lilian pulls me into the room I woke up in, straight to a bathroom. She starts up a bath and I watch the tub fill up.

"Can you take your clothes off please?" Lilian asks quietly. "Or do you need help?"

I shrug as I start pulling my things off. I wasn't scared of her, or at least, not as scared of her as I am of Darren. I didn't mind undressing in front of people either, it's not like I am much to look at so my assumption is I'd just get overlooked.

Lilian helps me into the bath before sitting on the toilet and explaining what each thing did for cleaning after I had expressed confusion. I start scrubbing myself down, it felt sort of nice knowing I'd be clean.

"I'll be right back, please don't move or anything." Lilian says after a little while. She leaves and comes back with clothes in her hand. I don't really pay attention, playing with the bubbles in the bathtub. That seems to make her laugh.

"Let's wash your hair, then we can get you out of there. I think that water is a little... Ah... Black." Lilian says.

She scrubs my head with 'shampoo' which I vaguely remember when I was younger. But the conditioner I do not believe I remembered at all. According to Lilian, I needed it now because of all my hair, and we had to brush through it still.

After my hair has been washed with the two products and rinsed out, I'm helped out of the very dirty water and I dry myself off. Lilian hands me some clothes which I slip on. They consist of a tshirt that fits loosely and baggy kinda pants.

"We'll get you better fitting clothes when we go shopping." Lilian smiles. "Now let's see what we can do about that hair."

Lilian grabs a brush and we go downstairs which I do on my own with plenty of trouble. But I always shake my head no when she asks if she wants me to get Darren.

We get downstairs and we go into the living room, Darren and Erik aren't there anymore. I sit on the couch sideways and Lilian sits behind me, starting to brush my wild hair.

It takes a very very long time, sometimes it hurts a little, but she is careful to be gentle. Eventually, my wavy brown hair is completely brushed through... Wow. I play with a piece, it felt nice to have it brushed and cleaned.

It felt nice to be clean.

"Thank you Lilian." I say quietly.

A big smile stretches across her face. "You're very welcome. I'm going to call Darren back in now okay?"

I tense up in anticipation and nod. She frowns a bit before her eyes seem to glaze over. Soon Darren and Erik are back in the room.

Darren looks me over and he looks quite... Approving? I frown realizing I hadn't seen him smile yet. I like smiles, they show kindness. Darren is an Alpha, they are not kind.

"Hey, Blaire, you hungry?" Lilian asks. But I already ate today... I look at her in confusion. "I'll get you something."

She walks away, Erik following her. Leaving me with Darren. He sits on the opposite side of the couch, looking at me. I don't like this, I want Lilian back.

"Blaire... Will you tell me a bit about yourself?" He asks, he seems to be struggling to keep a level tone. "Like... Your favourite colour?"

I push myself farther away from him. I don't want to answer.

"If it helps I'll tell you mine, it's green." Darren says.

Lilian walks back into the room and frowns at me. Am I doing something wrong? She's holding a plate with what I think are apple slices on it. Lilian sits next to me and hands me a slice.

I take it happily and start to eat.

"You like Lilian?" Darren asks.

I nod. "She is... Nice."

Lilian smiles when I speak and I tilt my head. Why is she so happy? Erik walks in with more food, lots of food. Piled on a plate. He sits on the floor, putting his plate on the little table before eating.

Darren glares at him and I instinctively cower back. He's mad now. Stupid Erik, now we're all in trouble.

"Lilian, careful." I whisper, tugging her arm closer to me.

All eyes turn to me.

"Careful of what?" Lilian asks.

"Darren is mad." I reply.

"He's not... Ah." Lilian nods. "I'll be careful."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Darren growls at Lilian and I whimper. His gaze snaps up to mine as I hide behind Lilian.

"Darren," Lilian says in a hard tone.

Then the room is silent for a moment before their gazes turn to me again. I sigh, I do not enjoy being the centre of attention. I also do not enjoy being here... Though, it's warm and they have nice clothes... And it's comfortable and I don't have to run all the time, and there's food for me!

I shake my head before looking at Lilian questioningly.

"Blaire... What's your favourite colour?" Lilian asks, seeming curious. Her face didn't show hardness or any anger or frustration like Darren's did. Maybe that's why I like her.

"Blue." I reply, I felt comfortable replying to her.

Lilian smirks, I think, looking at Erik and Darren.

"Can you tell me how long you've been a rogue?" Lilian asks softly, like a mother coaxing her child to do something.

"Eleven years." I reply distractedly, instead watching the clock in the room. I don't like the way the long gold piece on the bottom swings. It's annoying. Maybe I can go stop it later.

"Blaire... You can't shift at seven yet." Lilian says, seeming hesitant.

"I know. I had... First shift when fourteen. Like... all wolves." I reply, struggling to word my sentences to make them sound like a grown woman and not a silly seven year old kid with a lisp.

"You were a rogue for another seven years before you shifted!?" Lilian gasps.

"... Yeah." I nod. "Beta training helps."

Lilian shakes her head. "Did you have help?"

I nod. "A little." I decide I'm done talking for today. When she asks another question, about where I stayed while rogue, I stay quiet.

She asks again and again I just remain silent.

Lilian just kind of nods before letting out a little sigh. "She's done for today Darren."

Darren nods and he waves his hand. "You two are dismissed... Lilian if I ever need help..." Darren says awkwardly.

"Of course." She smiles, standing up. "I'll see you soon Blaire."

Erik and Lilian leave the house. So... Now what? It's just Darren and I.

My Little Mateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें