Family Members [Basic Family Tree]

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••wǒ [woa]

••māma [maama]

••bàba [baba]

•Big Brother
••gēge [gah (G from God)gah)

•Big Sister
••jiějie [G-A G-A (say letter by letter. Fast)]

•Grandfather [Dads father]
••yéye [Yay Yay (fast)]

•Grandmother [Dads mother]
••nǎinai [Nie Nie (Eg. Tie Tie)]
••• 奶奶

•Grandfather [Moms father]
••wài gōng [ Y Gong (g from god)]
••• 外公

•Grandmother [Moms mother]
••wài pó [Y poo (po from police)]

•Younger brother
••dìdi [D D]
••• 弟弟

•younger sister
••mèimei [May May (Eg. pay Pay)]

-This is a female radical "女 " (They are used when writing females in the family tree, Eg: Mom. Mom has the female radical, so does big sister. 
-There is no male radical
-Only father and father's father [Grandfather] have a father radical
-This is the father radical " " 
-There is no female radical for grandmother [Mothers mom]

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