Chapter 1

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Before I begin this last book of this series, I just want to thank everyone that's been reading this from the beginning, or if you started reading later or if you're just now reading. I want to thank everybody for all of the continuous support, with not only this book but ALL of the books in this series and all of the books I've ever written on here. From covers, ideas, hilarious comments, voting for me for scholarships, EVERYTHING. You guys are the best!! :)

Merry Christmas! I hope you guys got everything you wanted because I know I did. I'm gonna try to update tomorrow but I have to set up my new lap top and I have some after Christmas shopping to do. I'm cheap so I didn't buy that much before Christmas, I've been waiting until afterwards to get everything really cheap lol


"Alright. Well, we got to Theodore just before he lost too much blood. He lost a lot of blood due to all of the alcohol in his system but with the blood donations, he's back up and healthy. He had 23 lacerations all over his body that were all stitched up and should be healing. If things continue the way they're going then he should be able to go home in a few days."

I took a deep breath. That's good to hear.

"Good," Daddy smiled. "Can we see him now?"

"But there is another problem," the doctor sighed as he held up one of the large x-rays for the family to see. "He had one laceration in his lower back that hit his spinal cord. It took awhile for us to come out here and tell you all the news but we had to run some extra tests on him since whatever he was stabbed with hit his spinal cord. As of right now, he has incomplete Paraplegia since he has partial damage to his spinal cord. With an incomplete lesion, some motor and sensory function remains. People with an incomplete injury may have feeling, but little or no movement. But in Theodore's case, he has some feeling of his legs, but he can't feel the majority of his legs, feet or toes."

My heart dropped when the doctor announced this. I was expecting something bad but nothing like paralysis. I looked out at the faces of my family members, who all held blank stares. I guess they were just in the same amount of shock as I was in. I was utterly speechless. I didn't know what to say because no words were coming to me. For the first time in my life, I was tongue tied and had absolutely nothing to say.

I looked over at Daddy, who was wiping tears off of his face. "I can't do this anymore," he whispered. Daddy quickly hopped up out of his seat and rushed out of the room without saying anything to anybody.

I guess I can understand where he's coming from. He's overwhelmed and Mama isn't helping him with anything. I'm in the hospital and they say I can't remember anything and now Theodore's in the hospital too. He can remember everything, he just can't feel his legs.

"C-Can he like go to therapy or get it fixed?" Grandma spoke up with a shaky voice. She must have been crying. "I mean, you said it's partial Paraplegia, so that means he can feel a little. And if he can feel a little then that means it can be corrected. Right?"

The doctor nodded his head. "Yes but that's only if he goes to therapy and does what he's supposed to. That was his father who just ran out, right? I need to talk to him about Theodore's blood alcohol levels."

"Yes," Grandma replied. "But just tell me. I'm going to be his legal guardian soon anyways."

"Yeah, I think that's best," the doctor replied. "Theodore's blood alcohol levels were through the roof. If the police had got a hold of him, he would've been considered legally drunk and he would have gone to jail. It's just a good thing he wasn't driving. He would have been completely impaired. Luckily he wasn't but we did find traces of marijuana in his system though. Since he was so high and drunk, he probably doesn't remember anything right before the stabbing. It'll be remarkable if he does though but I highly doubt it. The most he probably remembers is before he started drinking. And I hate to have to do this but he can't be released tonight. Since he's still a minor, Child Protective Services were called to question him and the family. He can't go home to his parents. They'll probably lose custody of him and any other children they have living with them. The kids will be placed in foster care until they're adopted, or the parents get themselves together or if a family member who is approved can get custody of them."

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