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Mission 3: Rogue Daughter

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"Bitch," I cursed under my breath, feeling the sting of the bullet that grazed my face. She gave me a chance to avoid it on purpose. I shielded myself behind a pillar. The people were already running out of the station with fear, screaming about terrorists.

"It wouldn't be fair if I kill you without warning, right?" She laughed as she fired two shots to where I hid. "Rules, eh? The one who reminded me about following it was the one who broke it. You've been talking to the Orleonnes all along!"

I was shaken, and I was not shaken easily.

They found out. Shit. Too soon. Shit. Shit.

"This is it then, Eve5. Something fun to do. They want your head, you know."

Just like that, we're not comrades anymore.

"Try me!" I dared back.

It was a cycle of shooting and evading. Of course, my aim was accurate, but she's an Eve too. Whoever shoots move forward until we were only a few meters away. She had the same rhythm and tactics. The equality in strength made us end up facing each other. Our guns' end kissed for a brief second. She nudged mine, avoiding the bullets as I fired. I did the same to her.

Out of bullets on the second attempt, I hit her face with the gun and tried to twist her arm. She groaned in pain. Her gun slipped out of her hold. I punched her gut, while she ducked to avoid and pushed me like a mad bull.

My back hit the sharp corner of a column. I grunted in pain, yet gripped her hair and kneaded her face with my knee. She took the hit, barely freeing herself.

"Fun..." She gasped for air grinning, her teeth and nose bleeding. "I hated your blank bitch face that couldn't be bothered by anything."

She then raised her arms for a fistfight.

"Ready when you are," she stated, her body moved like a graceful boxer about to begin a new round.

I didn't have time for it. By now, the others were coming for me too.

Her palms coaxed me to come closer. I did so, my fist aimed at her face. She bent, jabbed my stomach, and stepped back, taunting me again to come closer.

"You punch like a virgin," she teased.

In a quick move, I pulled out another gun from my holster and shot her twice. "But I shoot like an eagle-eyed bitch."

"That's.... unfair..." She gripped her stomach with a twisted face, probably from being fooled. I shot her foot next, and she fell flat on the floor.

"I'm a rulebreaker, remember?"

The same moment, the train arrived. I fired two shots and earned frightful screams. "Stay on the fucking train!"

"One bitch down, Eve5! Eight more bitches to go!" Eve4 screamed before the doors closed.

After exchanging clothes with a civilian during the ride, I pretended to be one of the passengers screaming out the train on the next station. I passed by the police, and the Eves, if they were already there.

I used to be a hunter. Now I was the one being hunted. Although it was bound to happen, it was too soon.

The Orleonnes were plan wreckers.

I couldn't even get out of the state. Ad Hoc would monitor all the exits, the airports, and the docks. The Commission would make a move too, and the system could recognize my voice in a call. Hell, I didn't even have someone to call to.

I was alone—a rogue.

I needed to live with what I had. As we were trained to catch and kill criminals, we were also taught how they think. Now, I was one. Stealing money, hacking banking databases to withdraw, jacking cars, and disguising—I did all of them in a day. Not funny, but I wanted to laugh.

Holy Sinners (Sinners 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang