Chapter - 2

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  • Dedicated to Cassie Phelps

A/N Your comments mean so much to me, so please let me know what you think. If you think it's "vote" worthy, I'd really ♥appreciate♥ it if you hit the little vote button. Thanks, everyone!! I hope you enjoy my story!! :) Feel free to fan me, as well!! :)

Whispers swirled through the window, stealthily slinking toward me. My hands hovered above my head, shielding myself from the unwanted invasion. Sunlight snuck through the small window. Rays of light scattered around me. Shadows danced near the corners of the room. Shadows, I thought. Right. I knew what they were, and I knew what they wanted.

 My chest felt tight, but I had to do this. I could do it, right? I wasn’t so sure. As slowly as possible, I stood. I was careful, keeping contact with the wall. With one last deep breath, I plunged myself forward. Silent screams filled my ears. I knew the demons were there gyrating in a frenzied satanic waltz behind me. I could feel the filthy stench radiate off them. Their breath streamed down my neck. “Just breathe,” I whispered. “They’re not real,” I tried to convince myself.

Meticulous steps carried me forward. The stairs were less than three feet away. A demon blocked my view. I could feel several others hiding behind me. Soulless eyes pitted deep within charred hollow scales, peered at me. A sneer curled its blemished face. A loud cackle echoed through the room. I stumbled to a halt, desperately trying to escape the terrors surrounding me.

Trapped, I was trapped, and in the middle of the room no less. The demon before me staggered forward. In the blink of an eye, I was face to face with its snarled smile. Its breath slithered around my lips. I felt a crusty hand claw through my hair. A loud sob escaped my sealed lips. Heavy darkness slunk from the shadows to my right. “Glorie, it’s me Gretchen. Can I come down?”

I tried to talk, but my mouth was bound. The creature before me had sunk its scorched fingers into my mouth. I couldn’t breathe. Tears slid down my cheeks in torrential waves. The light clicked on, and I heard Gretchen’s heels clacking against the stairs. “Glorie, I brought doctor Iniquity with me. I hope that’s okay”

“I just have a few questions to ask you,” the doctor’s gruff voice sounded through the dismal basement. Slowly, the shadows of demons crept away from me. The large scaly demon glared into my eyes until, Gretchen and the doctor stepped off the last step, before vanishing, leaving nothing in its wake.

 “Oh, Glorie, I’m so proud of you,” Gretchen shrieked. Excitement rang through her voice. “You’ve done it. Look at you! You’re on your way. Were you going upstairs?”

 “No!” I screamed running back to the wall. “I’ll never leave this spot again.”

 “Oh, no,” Gretchen sighed.

 A cold hand grazed across my cheek. “Glorie, I need to ask you a few questions,” doctor Iniquity said, wiping a tear that trickled from my eye. I looked at him with disgust. His blue eyes were old and tired. His hand was draped over my forearm. His fingers were long and skeletal. He looked like death was calling his name. My eyes traveled up and down his face. His skin was paper thin. It was stretched over his angular face, too tightly. A few grey hairs cascaded down over his forehead, hiding deep wrinkles. I looked at his lips as he spoke, “Do you think the demons are real?” His lips puckered like a duck with each word. I wanted to look away, but couldn’t seem to avert my gaze.

 “Glorie, did you hear, doctor Iniquity? He asked you a question,” Gretchen’s voice twirled leisurely toward me.

 “They are real,” I said as a demonic shadow darted from the doctor’s mouth.

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