Chapter Four

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1822 - New Orleans, Louisiana

   New Orleans was a place of new wonder and splendour for Eleanor Fraser. There were so many unusual things that she had never seen in the privacy of the orphanage, many unusual things that she had to accustom to quickly. And she did accustom to them quickly.

   In the few times she had been out of the big mansion she had began to call home, she had grown fond of the little place they called Vieux Carré, or the French Quarter. There were flock of pigeons in the centre of the piazza; their numbers delighting children as they huddled around the birds and fed them crumbs of breads. To others, the birds were considered a nuisance. Colourful walls and roofs, elaborately decorated ironwork balconies and galleries. She could hear every kind of language (Spanish, French, and a little bit of Irish), see so many people, and hear the chanting of voodoo priestess that were hiding deep in their homes.

   As Eleanor walked along the streets with Rebekah by her side, she stared up at balconies and galleries of the colourful houses. People stood on top, fanning themselves with numbly coloured fans and staring down at the civilization below as if they were beneath them. They laughed, they stared, and one of the woman that stood there, a white fan covering half of her dark face, stared down at the  girl. Eleanor stopped and stared up at her; tundra blue colliding with untouched earth. The woman lowered the fan and slowly inched closer from the railing, as if she were trying to get a closer look at the girl. Slowly, her straight lip rose to one side, creating a wicked smirk.

   "Rebekah," Eleanor softly called. "Rebekah, who is that woman?" She turned to the eldest vampire with an arched brow.

   Rebekah turned from the vendor and followed her eyes, a small gasp escaping her lips. She then scoffed. "That is Nanette Passebon, the voodoo queen of New Orleans." Her pronunciation of the French name was impeccable, but her tone sounded sarcastic. "I'd stray as far from her as possible, Eleanor. She sounds lovely, but her magic is dangerous."

   "She's been staring," Eleanor muttered, glancing back at the now empty balcony. "Well, she was."

   "Then let her do only that." Rebekah grabbed the girl's arm and pulled her away, mumbling about how Nanette Passebon was a witch that couldn't be trusted. Eleanor listened, a small smile around her lips. She knew that there were good and bad witches, just like everything else in the world, but she didn't think the witch was bad. In fact, she thought that the woman looked nice; she was reminded of freshly picked flowers when their eyes met.

   "Eleanor!" Rebekah called, waving her hand in front of her face. "If you're not paying attention to me, at least pay attention to him."

   "Blue," the man in front of her said. "Blue will do."

   "Blue?" Eleanor questioned, confused at the sudden mention of the colour. When she adjusted her eyes at the man in front of her, she noticed that they were in a shop filled with dresses. The man was holding up cloths of every shade of blue. He then waltzed away from her and began to pull out dresses, conversing with Rebekah about the big party.

   The three Mikaelson's were throwing a party at the governor's mansion, something about wanting to celebrate Eleanor's arrival. They were three for throwing parties, and how could the young vampire deny the pleasure of something she had never had. A party, dresses, champagne and food so little that it could be eaten in one bite. She wondered if people ever ate at these lavish parties, and if they gotten so full that they couldn't stand for days. The only time she had ever felt full was after her transition, when Klaus taught her how to properly feed and enjoy the blood. 

   Eleanor ended up having three dresses from Abraham's Designs: a dress the colour of olives, a dress the colour of pearls, and a dress the colour of the night. The dress wasn't black, but in fact a deep blue. It wasn't too light nor too dark, but perfect. The dress complimented her skin, made her eyes pop out, and squeezed just in the right places. 

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