Outside The Lines {14}

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                “Theo, you’re home late,” mom said, glancing at me as I walked into the kitchen. “Where were y-”


                “As long as no one is pregnant and you’re not high or drunk, I really couldn’t care less,” she said with a sigh.

                “Where’s Thalia?” I asked.

                “Dimitri dropped her off about an hour ago,” mom said. “Did you know you have glitter on you?”

                I looked down at my hands and clothes. “I got attacked by a unicorn,” I said defensively.

                “What do they say in Tangled? Mother knows best?” she asked with a smug smirk.

                “Shut up,” I grumbled and stalked out of the room.

                I went up to Thalia’s bedroom and let myself in. She looked over at me from her bed and sat up, Moves Like Jagger playing out of her speakers.

                “I GOT THEM MOOOOOOVES LIKE JAGGER!” I screamed, dancing my way into her room.

                “Dear god,” she said, covering her eyes. “That is not dancing. That is epilepsy at its finest.”

                I dropped down on the edge of her bed and pulled her hands away from her face. I looked into her eyes, and bit my lip.

                What if Thalia hated me? What if she pretended I didn’t exist? What if she was so ashamed of me, that she made me promise to keep it a secret and went to great lengths to make sure no one ever found out?

                “What? You’re looking at me weird,” she said curiously.

                I shook those thoughts out of my head. “Sorry. Your make-up is smudged and it’s bothering me,” I lied.

                She grabbed a tissue and rubbed at her eyes. “Okay, okay. What do you want, Theo?”

                 I flopped down, resting my head in her lap and gazing up at her. “Are you tutoring tomorrow after school?” I asked, more to know if Dimitri was free.

                Thalia shrugged, throwing the tissue out. “I have no idea. I haven’t talked to Dimitri, Kim, or Jordan. Dimitri’s been kind of busy lately, so maybe not,” she said with a shrug.

                She peered down at me. “Do you have glitter on you?” she asked suspiciously.

                “Don’t let your mind wander too much. I was with Alek,” I said in irritation.

                “Theo, if you’re experimenting with Dimitri, you can tell me,” she said, poking my shoulder.

                “I’m not experimenting with Dimitri!” I sat up and jumped off of her bed, glaring at her. My heart was slamming. “He’s a glittery freak!”

                And my secret boyfriend. But shhh, Thalia doesn’t need to know that.

                I left her bedroom, ignoring her as she called my name. I went into the bathroom and showered to get the glitter off of me, trying not to think about tomorrow. How was I supposed to act around Dimitri?

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