Chapter 12

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A/N: Sorry for not posting in forever!! I hope you guys like this chapter. By the way, I've read your comments about making the chapters longer and I'm going to try to do that. Was this chapter long enough for you? Or is it still too short?

I peeled off his hands and stepped back, away from him. "What do I have to do to change your mind then?" I sighed in frustration. Why was suddenly changing his mind? So childish gosh.

"Not sure yet," he shrugged. "I'll have to think about it."

"Think faster then sheesh," I rolled my eyes in annoyance. 

"Faster? Now I want to think even slower," he smirked. "The more urgent and desperate you are, it makes me want to do the complete opposite."

I groaned. Great... isn't this just great? Looks like I won't be going anywhere. I'm going to be right here- stuck with this rude and self-absorbed dude. "Oh come on, can't you be considerate just once and let me go? It's what you wanted anyways," I pleaded again, hoping that he would have a sudden change of heart.

"I wasn't considerate to you before, why would I do it now? Ha! Nice joke. I don't do considerate. I don't even do nice," he said with a scoff. "So don't even think about leaving."

"Okay fine. Be that way. Let's see exactly how long you can handle me staying at your company. Your house. Looks like the joke's on you. Ha!" I snickered. "I'll make things difficult for you. So difficult you'll definitely change your mind. I bet you won't even last 3 days. At most a week."

"You got yourself a deal. " he looked at me with a competitive gaze. "I love making bets. You know why? Because I always win."

"We'll see about that loser." I felt a spark of competitiveness light up inside me. There was no way I was going to lose this. "We'll see about that loser."

"Who are you calling loser?"


"Christian Wright doesn't lose. He only wins."

  ✿ ✿ ✿  

I was about to leave the apartment and go to work when I remembered our deal. What should I do to annoy him? Christian was still asleep. I guess being the CEO had its perks such as starting work later. Or in his case, no one was brave enough to say anything so they just let him since he was after all their boss.

Hm, what should I do? What would really piss him off? I thought about banging pots together but that was too simple. How about turning on the stereo really loud? Wait, did he have a stereo? I didn't want to bother looking for it so I dismissed the idea. Then I thought of the perfect one: pouring ice cold water over his head. Now that would be a great alarm clock, wouldn't it?

The thought of his reaction instantly cracked me up.

I hurried over to the kitchen and searched for a container to hold water. The cabinet had containers of so many different sizes. It took me a while to find the right one. I finally spotted one that was not too big and not too small. It was transparent and oval-shaped, similar to a bucket, with a thin rim surrounding it. I took it out and turned on the faucet to fill it up with cold water.

When it was filled to the top, I turned off the faucet and carefully lifted it off the counter. Then I carried it toward his room. It took me some time just to do that since the container was pretty heavy.

Outside his bedroom, I quietly turned the doorknob and slowly pushed it open. As I got closer, I could see his sleeping figure on the bed. Right when I was just a few inches away from his head, I tripped over his shoes that he left just lying on the ground. Before I knew it, both the container and me came flying at him.

A/N: (again sorry :P) Would you guys like me to add Christian's POV in the next chapters? Or would you prefer it if I just kept it in Cali's POV? I need your opinions pwease!

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