Chapter Three

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The next day at school, I kept my eyes up. I didn't want to run into someone again - though I'd already run into the worst person I could - and I didn't want to get jumped. I was only a little worried about what Will had said.


I jumped about a foot in the air. I whirled around, trying to figure out who (or what) that was.

It was just a freshman slamming their locker door closed.


Again. But I didn't jump that time.

I shook my head at my silliness and kept walking. There was no reason to be afraid of Will Williams.

"Hey, girlie."



My heart started racing in my chest, pounding so hard from fear I was afraid it would burst right out, leaving me powerless. (Okay, I take back my earlier statement. I was more afraid of Will Williams than I was willing to admit.) Luckily, it didn't, and my voice remained steady as I answered, "What's up, hoss?"

That was not a compliment.

'Hoss' was a totally awful nickname. I called my brothers that all the time. It was an insult coming from me.

"Watching your six, I see." He was being sarcastic. I hadn't even heard his usually heavy steps behind me.

It was, however, a wonder that I hadn't smelled him. He wore Axe very well. His scent fogged my head and made me forget why I didn't like him. He smelled so safe.

"I knew you were there the whole time."


"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Fine, then why did you jump a foot in the air when I whispered in your ear?"

I had no answer to that.


God, it was hilarious watching her try to think up a response to my question. An idiot could see she was lying when she said she heard me coming. Her little jump had also confirmed more than one thing - she didn't know I was there and that she was afraid of me.

I didn't know why, but that second part hurt. I didn't want her to be afraid of me. I wanted her to . . . like me.

Fuck. That wasn't me. I didn't want girls to like me.

Well, okay, yes I did. Just not in the way I currently wanted Hailey Martin to like me.

"I just wanted you to think I was scared. Wouldn't want that big ego to fall flat on its face." Hailey smirked, having finally formulated a response.

It was a good one. "Touché." I grinned down at her as she grinned up at me.

My chest started to ache.

Shit. Shit, no. Aching chests were not good. My little sister read every romance novel known to man and told me every detail about them. I knew that aching chests were not good.

I took a step back, away from Hailey and her intoxicating summer scent. Jesus, how could anyone carry the smell of sunshine and summer rain through to September? Ack, focus.

"What's your next class?" Hailey's sweet voice brought me back down to Earth.

"What do you think, sweetheart? It's first period." I smirked.

"Oh. Right."

Realizing that we were now blocking the hall, I started walking toward our American History class. Hailey followed and we wove through the throngs of people, receiving quite a few odd looks along the way.

"So, is there a particular time when I should be watching my back?"

"When you're alone and in your panties." The words just fell out of my mouth. I almost wanted to take them back, but I couldn't let anyone - especially Hailey - know that I wasn't exactly the guy they thought I was.

Her stunned expression almost made it worth it.

I winked at her and headed to my seat as a shocked Hailey took her own nearer to the front.

Sometimes I really enjoyed keeping people on their toes.

Hello! Hope you're enjoying the story so far! I've got the whole thing saved in drafts so once I see reads going up, I update. When it's all up I'll go through and do more editing - adding scenes, adjusting some, etc, but we'll come to that later.

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