① -Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt

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POV: Silver, 3rd person  

Plot: Silver is crashing a masked new year's party, hoping for the one last chance with Gold. But without a plan and solely relying on coming off as some chick, is this really the chance he had been looking for? 

Setting: Several years after Gold/Silver/HG/SS, gameverse. 

Note: The opinions expressed in the fic are from Silver's perspective, not mine.  


He wasn't sure why was he here anymore. No. No. That's not true. He knew exactly why he was here. But admitting it was harder to do than you'd think. In fact, he himself only barely came to terms with it. Barely.

But the party surely did nothing to bring his best side out. So many past enemies surrounding you could make anyone uncomfortable. Except him. He was above the low line that was set for those weaklings. All he was now was weary. After all, even if he tried, he could never completely keep his thoughts to himself. So there he was. At the edge of the room, sitting by the refreshment table and sipping on a glass of soda. Scanning the crowd slowly with his silver eyes, hidden neatly behind a mask.

Finally he noticed the sole reason for being there. Gold. For a moment he held his gaze on him. Totodile mask. Messy black hair. Glisten of golden eyes from behind the mask. Yes. There was no denying it, that was Gold.

He nearly stood up and walked over to him before he took in the whole of the situation. Oh. Crystal and Lyra. Or at least it seemed to be them. Looking sickeningly happy. Lucky cows.

He growled to himself and looked away, startling the guests around him. Immediately, he caught this mistake, and covered it up with a cough. In all honesty he hated his current actions. Lying, weak, pathetic lowlife. But he never gave up easily on dreams. And this sure as hell was one of them.

"Hey." A voice greeted him suddenly, making him turn to face it with a start.

And there he was. Mere centimeters away from his face. Bright golden eyes staring into his dull silver ones. Thank the stars it was a masked party, he could literally feel his face flushing. And the best part was he could see neither of the leeches that stuck around Gold.

"Hey, asshat." He muttered in reply, moving back from Gold.

Shit. That came out harsher than intended.

"Hah. A feisty one, huh? I like that." Gold replied with a smirk. "So what is someone like you doing here all by yourself?"

"Why would you care?"

"Well, it's almost midnight. A gentleman might get curious who would you be sharing new year with~"

Come to think of it, he was right. The countdown had long since been running in the background, and yet he had somehow managed to ignore it. And by tradition, that meant removing masks. He might not have been huge on parties or new years but this wasn't the first time he was at one.

"Besides, you were staring at me for hours now. I noticed, you know." Gold added casually.


"Hmph. I wasn't staring at you. You we're just in the way."


"Keep telling yourself that. "


"I wasn't looking at you, idiot! I have better things to look at then-"

Before Silver could finish, an announcement rang through the room. It was midnight. The seconds that followed were a blur. The sudden movement left Silver too shocked to react as Gold lifted both of their masks just a little off. Just enough. Just enough to softly plant a kiss on Silver's lips.

A million thoughts crossed Silver's mind at that moment, but he'd be a liar to say he didn't push every one of them away as he drifted into the sensation. He curled his arms across Gold's neck and twined his hands into his hair, pulling himself closer. If this was a part of the new year's ceremony he wasn't in on he was so damn glad he was there for it.

"Happy new year!" The voice drifted from the front of the room. But by now the two trainers had long since stopped listening.

They broke apart slowly, lingering in an embrace. Silver was the first to make a move, reaching forwards and lifting off the mask covering half of Gold's face. And just as expected, it was him.

"I knew it was you, asshat." He said quietly, smiling to himself.

Gold mirrored the gesture, lifting Silver's mask off. His reaction, however, did not mirror that of Silver. It didn't even happen. Just the same look as before, minus the smile.

"Oh. It's... you."

The silence that followed went above and beyond uncomfortable. Neither moved. Not until Gold sat up and looked in the opposite direction.

"I... err... have to quickly get something." He excused himself quickly, standing up and leaving into the crowd without as much as another look at Silver.

Silver followed him with his eyes, gripping the Totodile mask tightly in his hand.

It was alright. 

He'd just find that something and be right back.

And then... 

...then they would fall in love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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