'Cause I'm Tired of Feeling Alone

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Soooo......I last updated June 17....and it's October 7th....yeah.....oops. 

I have been unmotivated to write this story. Like suuuuuuper unmotivated.


 (Oops. So like as you can tell by this chapter title I kind of have been working on this for like a couple of months now. Shoot.)

*Endnotes are important.*


"Go ahead, prove me wrong if you say so." Harry stated, the edges of his lips twitching into a tiny smirk.

I see. 

So this is a game for him?

Well I hope he knows he's about to meet his match....Let's just say I have a feeling that this will definitely take more than the ten minutes.


"So where do you want me to start?"  

"Just you reading the inside cover would be enough" he smiled.  


He seriously finds this funny. People aren't this stupid. It's not like I have been locked in a room my whole life.  This is freaking 2013 for goodness sakes, not 1517.

"Noo, I want more of a challege, how about you pick a random page? Yeah?"  I proposed.

"Sure, sure go right ahead, just ask me when you don't know a word." he smirked, resting his head on his hands as he glanced up at me.  

"Not so sure that's going to happen" I mumbled as I flipped to my favorite page. Yes, I have a favorite page.  

Well, more like scene.  

"Hey, you know what?" I said, "why don't I just recite it, that ok? Or will that not be good enough proof?"

"Recite?" he asked, confused.  

I took that as my cue to begin.

Extremely damatically, with a hand over my heart, I began.

"It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon...there, is that enough?"

I peeked a glance at Harry.

"Louis set you up, didn't he?" he smirked like he had just figured out my plan.



I have barely talked to that man in my life.

Well, dang it.

So, since he was deciding to be sassy or whatever he is being-I don't really know-I decided I would play along.

So, I sighed heavily, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Well dang it, how'd you guess so quickly? Did I mess up? What did I say wrong?"

He smiled smuggly, kind of like that cat in Alice in Wonderland. Cheesire cat? I don't even know, I haven't seen the movie. 

"Nice try, love, but you might want to make it less obvious next time."

Less obvious? What was obvious about what I was doing? I was reciting something from memory, something that I read like two years ago!


"Darn it, I thought I was really doing well. Can I try again?" I asked, staring at my hands.

"Try again?"

I Wish for More Than This *One Direction Fanfic*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ