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I'm not a princess, nor you
are a prince in the
shining armour,
ready to rescue me from
all the silly problems and mess I
create for myself....

I'm not the girl of your
I'm not the girl you
desire to have as
exclusively yours.
Because I can't promise
to be there for you
to be there with you
always you call me.

Because I can't tell you
the black truth,
which would break your
heart into million pieces,
which I i couldn't even count.

But I'm selfish because
I can't see you like that
I wouldn't be able to see you like that.
BUT yet, I FEEL....
I feel like killing my self
with a knife before letting
you know
about my bitter truth.

It aches, yes, my heart aches
talking to you as if
nothing has ever happened.
But the huge hole in
my heart reminds me
of staying away from you.

It's really hard to let you go,
It's really hard not telling
you that I LOVE YOU.
But I'm sorry,
that I have to leave you alone.
There is no other chance left.
The hole is eating me up
from inside.

But yes,
there is one wish that I
want to make.
That I want you to be by my side,
to be with me
when I die.
When I will be on my way
to heavens,
I want to say a good bye to you.

And then you would say
that our love lasts forever,
and till the eternal...

I have to say the
bitter truth to you.
That i have to go,
that i have to say you



So, what do you think???
guys I tried my best to come up with great ideas....
and I promise I will...
hope you like my new work....

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yours truly,

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