Clumsy Kabe Don- Chapter 3

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Dammnit wattpad,you deleted half of this part 2 times already!
What is next? Flying Koro-sensei stealing my mom's bra in front of my window? : I ((HOH I WISH))

Okay okay whatever. : D Grab yo drinks ladies and gentlemen, back to story.

If you see any mistakes in text please tell me,thank you :D
Nagisa P.O.V

''Uun--I'm looking forward to sharing room with you Karma-kun'' I somehow managed to stutter.It sounded more manly in my mind.I grinned awkwardly,scratching back of my neck as Karma smirked.

''So do I'' He simply said,that sexy sadistic smirk refusing to leave his face as he put something in my hands.''Shall we?''.

At moment I got lost in fantasties,reality knocking on my doors.' Yeah even if he liked me,nothing interesting would happen '.

''S-sure'' I looked down to keys.Half of classmates left already,going to their rooms.

''You slow ass'' Karma called,hopping onto legs as he started walking to our room.

''Yeee work dem legs''
Any other 50% OFF fans?

Timeskip brought to you by annoying meee

''J-just moment'' I mumbled,my hands shaking so much it was impossible to open doors.I continued trying to open doors of our room but my fingers and key refused to cooperate.''Hey Karma can y---''

I freezed in middle of my sentence,suddenly feeling hot breath on my ear.My face slowly began to discover fifty shades of red as Karma pressed his body against my back,taking my hand in his and unlocking doors.''Boy you're so clumsy''. He said with confident voice that makes you want scream and jump off roof.

''What is it?'' He put his hands on doors.
Oh boy if I'm sure this looks like some inverted,clumsy version of kabe don.
I somehow managed to turn my head,gasping a bit when my eyes met his.

''K-karma-kun..'' I started.


''You're p-pushing me too much..'' I said with awkward voice.
Karma snickered,ruffling my hair and opening doors.He slided past me in room.

''Woow this looks interesting..'' He said.''Much like ordinary room''.

''I think it looks okay'' I answered,dragging my bag in room and closing doors behind us.

Karma slightly turned head as doors closed.


Thats all for today muhahahaha!

Okay now I have one question for you guys

How do you spell awkward?

I've been looking around and I don't know myself anymore..xD

I see akward,ackward,awkward..I dont knooooow anymore >,..,<

Welp I'm going to take small break and then back at writing~

Oh and if you don't know what is Kabe don..its something like pinning someone to wall and stuff? XD

Oh and funny fact this chapter is literally what happened to me today xD HUHUHUH

Edit: To make up for short chapters and since I'm going to pull all nighter,next chapter will be for few hours or tomorrow..probably

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