false romance

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" door opened... door closed... the back of a girl... red curly hair... naturally red.... average height trending to short... black pants... cotton not jeans... and a black hoodie... standing there "
" good morning dr. sara... im sorry... i didnt know there was someone here... i can wait outside "
" its okay... we were finishing up... nancy this is thomas.. one of my fav. students... and thomas this is nancy... my fav. student... so... have u done what i asked u to do?  "
" yes... here it is... and hi nancy... "
" hi " ( nancy... which shows that this is a fucked up sociopath... answering with just one fuckin word )
" okay thomas... thats a nice list... i also love the wolf of wall street... and of course everyone loves tom hanks... and i like that u like red... not much guys do... but what i really love here... is u loving pizza... and ur body still hasnt shown its love to it... and im sure i will read " and then there were none " to see how it goes... well... thanks for doing it... i like ur choices... what do u think nancy? "
" well... idk.. its just choices... " ( okay... this bitch is annoying )
" well dr. sara... im sorry for bothering... i guess ill just wait outside until class time.. nice meeting u nancy.. bye "
and i just left the class with hope disappearing cause this really shows how dr. sara's plan has just fucked me up.. and i have to find a way to make things right without this bitch... and while i was figuring it out... dr. sara texted...
" come in!! "... and so i just went in.. " hey.. dr. sara.. im sorry.. but when is the class again? " ( okay... maybe it was a shitty excuse... but thats what came to my mind )
" its 10... and nancy is attending classes here from today... she used to take these classes privately... but she changed her mind... so u can both talk around and have some fun until class... but dont be late.. "
" well... i dont wanna bother her... she seems bothered enough "
" nah its okay.. thats nancy... and now take her and leave... i have some work to do.. "
and so i took nancy... and walked outside... and we just walked for about 5 minutes silently... and i didnt know what to say... everything just felt awkward... like.. did this plan work or didnt it... did she like me?
" okay... im sorry for the way i talked... but i just wasnt feeling good... lets just pretend its a new start "
and at that moment... i just realized that this girl has one dark blue eye... and the other eye is half blue and half green.... it was the most beautiful thing i have ever seen and will ever see in my life... it really took me... idk where... but i just kept wandering around it...
" its okay... i like giving people the benefit of the doubt... maybe its just not ur day... btw.. if u wanna talk... im here "
" nah... its okay... lets just go sit anywhere quite... cause i hate noise "
" as u like... there is a class here that is mainly empty... lets go there... "
and so we went... and entered the class... and she just sat down... and i kept glancing at those eyes... and how adorable they are... i actually forgot she was there... u can say i got addicted to them... until she got me back to reality
" are u gonna stay silent..? i can leave if it makes u feel better.. "
" oh... im sorry... but i thought u dont like noise... so i stayed silent... " ( which was totally bullshit to avoid saying " im in love with ur eyes girl "
" well... i hate noise... but i love talking... look... u just wont get me... forget about it "
" okay... but btw i totally understand... cause im just like u... i hate noise and interacting with people... but when i find someone i like... i love talking to them all the time... but i just didnt think id find someone like me " ( more and more bullshit )
" okay... u do understand me.. sorry "
and while talking to her.... i got a message by dr. sara " tell her u love her now... and tell her to answer u at the end of the day... and no matter how insane this seems... just do it " ... okay... i wasnt really sure... but i thought id just do as told... and also if she dies... id have someone to blame... u know... i may really be in love with her... idk how... but it may have happened...
" okay.... nancy... im in love with u... yes i am... and dont answer me fast... take ur time.. and think about it... and answer at the end of the day... and sorry if this made u mad.. bye " and i ran out the class while she shouted " wait! " but i just kept running until i was far... and i went to dr. sara's class... while she wasnt there... and i just sat there... and started thinking... or actually started rethinking... and rearranging my thought... what have i done... have told a girl that i love about my feelings... or am i trying to protect a girl from dying by becoming a lying piece of shit... all these thoughts kept jumping in and out my mind and shattering me... until i focused to realized that the class is already over... and dr. sara came to me " everything will be just fine.. " i didnt even bother answering her... and i went outside and got out of the building and out of the whole place... and i was about to get a cab when i heard her..
" thomas wait... can u come with me? " and at that time... everybody was leaving.... and we started becoming alone... and she took me to a building i have never been in before... and i just kept walking without even having a chance to think... until we went inside a room which was totally dark... i couldnt see myself or see her inside.. and just as i was about to start talking... she just came out of nowhere and kissed me... and no matter how i explain... i cant tell u how it really is... her lips were like heaven... like a dream coming true... i just couldnt leave them... i kept kissing and kissing and kissing... it was the best moment of my entire life... i really am in love with her... she will not die... and her lips taste like cherry... i wasnt really sure that was her lipstick... cause a girl like that... she may be naturally cherry... we got to the ground... while still kissing... and i held her between my arms... and felt her heartbeat... and she made me feel safe... and to be honest i have been missing that feeling for a very long time... her lips left mine just so she can talk... but she was still in between my arms... " im sorry... but.. its not how u think it is... i needed u... i needed to feel this... but... i.. i dont love... i have never been in love... and i dont think i will ever be... im so sorry... " this was while her body started slipping out of my arms... and i felt her leaving the room... while the sound of her tears falling to the floor was pretty clear... and this was when i realized... well... i didnt really have much time to realize... because mr. private number was already ringing...
" well well well.... i said 48 hours... but i guess im bored... so.. thats enough... plus.. u have just fucked up so badly... so... i guess she dies... but.. i remember i also said that the next time u fail... dr. sara dies... so... shall i choose... or u? "
" give me all my time... maybe i can make things right "
" if i have to ask again... i will choose... and im sure u wont like my decision... i may even choose both "
" okay... i will choose... but give me some time to choose... give me the rest of the 48 hours... it hasnt been even one day!"
" mmm... okay... u have 5 minutes... after that if u dont choose... i will.. bye "
i didnt even have time to think... i ran out the class and kept shouting for nancy which had disappeared... i ran out the building... and kept shouting... but there was still nothing... i called dr. sara and she didnt answer... and it wasnt even busy... it just kept ringing... i had no option but to choose... but choose who... the girl i love... or the girl that got me the girl i love? i didnt even get to think... with my phone ringing again... and i answered without any idea what to do...
" so... have u made up ur mind... or are u gonna let me choose " ( with the sound of " please let me choose " )
" ive made up my mind "

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