Chapter 38

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P.S I don't know shit about football. Don't bother telling me how football works. I wish that from the beginning Trevor and Nate played a sport that I actually knew but for some reason they had to play football. So let's pretend football works differently in this story. Ok? Thanks :)) 



     Don Truver. I watched as he looked over and smirked right at me as everyone got into the positions on the field. I glared at the asshole, staring him down as he rubbed his hands together. Don is the quarterback on our rival team, St. Berlock. One of the reasons we're all so determined to win this game is just so we can be able to say we kicked their asses. We have to. Nobody understands the pure hatred I have towards those guys, the Berlocks. They're the most cockiest, spoiled, obnoxious guys I've ever met. They think they're so cool, just because they go to an expensive private school on the other side of town. Big fucking deal. They're all just a bunch of pussies if you ask me.

A bunch of pussies that are admittedly very good at this game. Which is why we seriously need to win.

The sky was dull and grey, and I could feel the wind getting a big stronger as I stood in the middle of the field. It smelt of wet mildew, and looking around at my team, everyone was getting into their positions for the kickoff which was about to begin.

I felt a few raindrops on me, and watched Nathen prepare himself to kick the ball. The stadium was filled with cheering and ranting, and I could hear Nate's name being screamed a couple times. The ball was placed on a 2 inch t on the 40 yard line. The refs were yelling stuff, but I wasn't paying attention. I was watching Nathen, and I could just tell how nervous he was - how nervous we all were, as he backed up, his eyes glued to the ball.

"OKAY!" One of the refs was shouting, and the crowd started going wild. The other players were all in their places on the field, and the sound of thunder echoed through the stadium.

It's happening.

Suddenly there was a huge horn, and before I knew It Nathen was running towards the ball and kicked it as hard as he could. The ball went surfing into the air, spiraling as it flew to the far end of the field where the Berlocks awaited the kickoff.


      It was as if everything was happening in slow motion. The game, the cheering, all of us running on the field...I felt as if it was just happening so slowly. I almost couldn't believe what was going on, that we were here right now on the field playing  this game we've been waiting forever for. I thought about all the scouts that were here in the crowd watching us. I thought about how this could be the first day of the rest of my life if any of those scouts like what they see. Because it's true - if I get a football scholarship, that's it. I have a chance of getting into the NFL like I've always wanted to ever since I was a small child.

But do I even want it anymore? I thought about that, too. I could feel my heart hammering against my chest as I panted, the grass sticking to my cleats as I ran for the ball. Don't get me wrong, I'm willing to win this thing probably more than anyone else on the team. The ball was flying towards our side of the field and Dave came to the rescue, jumping high in the air and catching the ball before he began running with it, covered in mud and nearly getting tackled by the other players trying to catch him.

I was covered in mud, too. Most of us were. We were in the second quarter, and we were tied 1-1. The intensity was rising to the surface and I was just about ready to kill some people.

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