{chapter 9}

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Check out my bestie thefiercequeen !

(Outfit is what I imagine Mia's dress to look like)

After the party incident, Phoenix treated me to another stack of blueberry pancakes at Denny's.

It wasn't until the next day when I was sitting in my couch and studying that I realized he interred his number into my contacts.

The night I discovered it , I couldn't let myself sleep because my thumb hovered over the send button after I typed a simple hey.

Phoenix was  indecisive. He could be sweet when he tried, but even his sweetness was laced with sarcasm and rudeness.

I honestly didn't want to text him, I had school to focus on, not boys, but something forced my thumb to press send when my head was screaming no with a capital N and O. My mind also got a big fat told ya so. When responded Knew you couldn't stay away from me ;)

The next few days were sent with light texting and joking , most of the time I couldn't tell if he was being nice or insulting me.

My sleeps habits were amazing ever since winter break started. I made a mental list of everything I needed to do over the break and visiting my family was one of the dreaded thing I had to do.

Don't get me wrong I love my family and are so grateful for them but my father had a way of turning a simple visit or joke into a year long lecture or criticism. I would avoid visiting him, but i knew my sister Ellie would be home and I wouldn't miss a chance visiting her or my mom.

Once I rolled out of bed on my first Saturday of break after a nap around 6 I checked my phone expecting to see a text from Phoenix but instead it was Minnie.

"Hey girlie, holiday party tonight at Jeremy's friend want to join?"

I thought about it and decided I needed to get out my apartment no matter how cozy it was and how great the TV was.

"Yeah, just tell me the place and time and I'll be there."  I swiftly replied.

"Yay! 9:00 1234 West Albumm"

I clicked my phone off and grabbed my towel to hurry and get ready since I had to factor in shaving and makeup time.

I curled my hair to make my outfit seem fancier than what it really was.

I grabbed my car keys and wallet and glanced at my outfit one more time in the mirror before leaving.

I opted for a red bodycon type dress. The straps were thin and the top was V shaped, allowing my boobs to appear slightly larger. I added a fake diamond chocker, with red heels that matched the dress.

I grabbed my white coat and headed out, trying to break in my shoes as quickly as possible, since they were fresh out of the box.

The ice on the roads was highly visible so I drove extremely slow, even if it did earn me a few horns. Better safe than sorry.

The sky was dark and the weather had a chill that rattled your bones. I was light weight regretting coming because of how long it took me to get there because of the conditions not to mention I would have to drive home too.

My gps of course for some reason took the long way around.

I finally pulled up on a large two story ranch house that had nothing but surrounding land.

As I parked beside all the other cars I could hear loud Christmas music and the chatter and laughter of people.

"Mia! You look so cute but you must be freezing!" Minnie shouted to me as she walked up to me.

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