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Alec & I where currently on the plane to England and luckily the trip wasn't that long.

Harry informed everyone where we were and I went with Alec just as Megan had requested. It was also good for Alec to have someone there for him.

"She'll be okay." I said mostly to myself since I was freaking out. What will happen when the baby won't be okay? What will happen when Megan won't be okay?

The plane landed and we took a taxi to the hospital. As we arrived Alec started sprinting into the hospital and I tried to keep up with him.

"Megan Handerson!"

"Floor 3 Room 163."

We took the elevator and ran to Megan's room.

"I'll wait here." I told Alec but he shook his head and pulled me with him into the room.

"Megan! Babe!" Alec said and pulled her into his chest immediately.

"Alec." She breathed out. She looked pale and like she was in pain.

"Can I talk to Lia alone?" Megan whispered to Alec and he nodded as he left the room.

"What's wrong Megan?" I asked her with tears in my eyes. I sat on the chair next to her bed and took her hand.

"Lia, listen. I won't survive this." She started but I cut her off before she could say anything else.

"You will Megan. Just be storng, please." I begged while tears ran down my face.

"Shh, let me finsish. There's a chance to 90% that I won't make it. I want you to help Alec with everything. This baby is the most important thing to me as well as Alec. I don't want to see him suffer from up there." She told me and pointed to the ceiling.

"Don't say that, please."

She wiped my tears, "I'm okay with it. The baby will live and that's more important for me. I love Alec and you need to promise me that you will help him with the baby and be there for him. Also give him this when you're back on tour, okay?" She asked and handed me an envelope.

"Bring him in, please." She said and I nodded. Before I could stand up she grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug.

"I'll miss you." I said full on sobbing.

"I don't want you to miss me. I want you to be happy." She said and let go of me.

I walked outside and gave Alec a nod. He went into the room and I sat down on the bench and started crying. There is a 10% chance that she'll survive this why is she so sure about not making it?

A doctor and two nurses went into the room and seconds later Megan got pushed out on her bed.

"We'll do a cesarean section on her and the both of you are allowed to come with or you can just wait here." The doctor informed us.

"You can go." I said to Alec.

"Lia, please come with us." Megan said and Alec nodded in agreement.

"But-" I started but Megan's look brought tears to my eyes again and I nodded. Alec grabbed my hand and we followed them. The moment was way too personal and vulnerable for me to be there but I respect their wishes.

"Please change into those gowns." A nurse said and handed us two green gowns. We obeyed and put those over our actual clothes.

"You'll be a father in like half an hour." I said with a light smile. Alec nodded and suddenly pulled me into a hug.

"She can't leave me," he started sobbing.

"Shh, it's going to be okay Alec. I'm here for you and I always will be. You're like my older brother/dad and I love you so much so please don't be sad and show Megan that you can do this." I whispered and squeezed him before letting go of him.

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