Chapter Eighteen

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Thanks for the millionth time for all the comments and votes! This chapter will explain all your questions, hopefully!

The guy on the right is sort of what David looks like, is that how you imagined him?

Have a GREAT time reading it, 


David was standing next to the infamous kitchen counter, with a big grin on his face. I immediately turned away from the apartment to run, but I was too slow. David grabbed my from my forearm, the same arm Dad grabbed me with back at the restaurant, and dragged me into the apartment. The door shut loudly behind him; he pushed me against the wall and squeezed my chin hard.

"You thought he'd believe you? You actually thought he'd believe you?" He laughed, pressing my chin even harder. "Silly, silly Chloe, I thought you were better than that, but obviously, you're not." He practically spat on my face.

"He will believe me, David. You're not going to get away with this, I swear," I said as I struggled to free my face.

"Well you know our deal, you confess, I get your precious little Daddy fired. Besides, I highly doubt you'd be here long enough for him to believe you," he said, his green eyes were wide from the excitement of whatever he was about to say.

I didn't want to excite him any further, as much as I wanted to know what he was talking about, I didn't want to give imply I was interested. 

"WIlliam told me that his twap of a mother explained to you how you were born in this hellhole, you see, there's a sequel to that. Something your dad has been hiding from you, not the company collaboration part, Will also told me that he'd told you, as if you knew what that meant anyway, but something much much deeper."

His hand let go of my face, I was still pressed to the door. 

"I'm not dumb, Chloe. I know you want to know." He pinned my shoulders to the door, he then shrugged. "Well what the heck you'll know sooner or later." 

"I don't want to know," I lied.

"You don't want to? Chloe it isn't healthy for you to lie!" he said teasingly.

"My father's going to be here soon, David." There goes another lie.

He suddenly laughed, "and you actually though he cared about you, that he'd care about this? Honey, Chloe, you got it all wrong! Him taking you in never changed a thing, well financially yes, but now he doesn't want you anymore, since you know, you're useless."

"David it isn't healthy for you to lie," I mocked him, but I failed at it miserably.

He laughed again, "Chloe, baby, wake up! The world isn't a happy place! I mean you of all people should know that! Anyway, what I was saying;  your price is going down the market, and your father's temper is going up. Your father wanted to piss his parents off, it's pretty much hereditary if you ask me," he said with a chuckle.

"So, William and his friend tried to figure out the perfect way to do that, then it hit them, you. If they give you up for adoption now, the contract between the two parties would be off, I mean it's not like you're helping anymore." He took a breath before he continued;

"Your father's one smart man, Chloe. His friend who works on the other side -your maternal grandfather's side- blurted out that the collaboration was doing them no good. He planned out everything, he knew the advantages and disadvantages, sure his parents will remove him from their will but he's going to do it anyway. If he gives you up for adoption, the deal would be called off, Will's parents will lose, the other side will win. His friend on the other side guaranteed him one hell of a percentage of the money they will gain, financial crap I don't really get; but yeah, Chloe. You're gone."

My body felt heavy, it slid down the door, hitting the floor hard as it went. "You're lying, David," I said as I shook my head.

David shook his head, a smile played his lips, "I'm not."  

He grabbed his jacket and ruffled my hair, I cringed and moved away from the door. David gasped right as he opened the door.

"William, there you are," David said in obviously terror. Dad appeared from behind the door, and he looked at me in a way he had never looked at me before. I couldn't quite explain how it was, but it was...different.

"David?" Dad said, stopping David with one hand, his eyes were still stuck on mine.

"Yeah?" David replied, obviously scared.

"What did you tell Chloe?"

David was the silent one of us; it was a moment before Dad yelled out "David!"

"She was going to know sooner or later, Will," David said, repeating what he had told me.

"Get out." 

"Will, I don't unders-" David started to say until Dad yelled again, "Get out!" 

David wormed his way out of the apartment, and it was a relief.

"It's true, isn't it?" I began to say as soon as David left. "You're putting me up for adoption?"

"No, Chloe, we-we're not sure yet," Dad said, avoiding looking at me. 

"We? As in you and Holly? That's why she thanked you, isn't it?"

Dad didn't talk.

"How could you, Dad? I'm your daughter, not some game you can throw away." 

"Chloe, it's better for you too. You said it yourself yesterday, you're sick of all of this, don't deny it," Dad replied.

"So now you're blaming me?" 

Dad punched the door, "I didn't blame you for anything, stop twisting my words!" 

"Well yesterday you blamed me for ruining your life, don't deny it," I mocked him.

Dad sighed as he rubbed his face, "Don't worry, I'll be back," I said sarcastiaclly as I headed to the door.

I wanted to see a friend, not Holly, that hypocrite.

Then I remembered, I had two friends.

Zach and Amanda. 

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