Chapter 3

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        So Luke and you talk about many things over your scrumptious meal, actually was more about your likes and dislikes. Just the odd part of the whole conversation was that everything over your preferences were alike.

              You found it odd at first but your attraction towards him was too strong to even consider that soon you began to overlook the fact. He really seemed to be the perfect one in your life and technically, your other half.

            You began to trust him so willingly and easily that you even tell him about your memory loss. You thought he would cringe away just as the words left your mouth but he doesn't seem to be weirded out by it.

             You finish your dinner and you realise that you've had such a nice time with him. It was such an amazing date that you've ever had even though it was your first and you loved it.

            You were happy that you got to know a lot more about him and him, a lot about you. You knew this wasn't the last time you would be meeting him. You knew there would be more to looking forward to, getting even closer to each other. You could feel it, but only with him. No one else ever seemed to have that effect on you.

              He pays the bill and you leave the restaurant to go for a walk, with him by your side.

           You walk slowly as your fingers were interlocked with his, making it seem like you both are a couple.

            Walking on, you suddenly realise that your legs had led to a creek, a beautiful, peaceful, secluded from the artificial life into the natural type of area.

          The water nearby was making its soft music as it rippled along in one direction. The sky was in the deep shade of blue and the moon was bright white and in completion, while the stars danced in its magnificent glamour. The setting was so romantically peaceful and lovely.

            Perfect venue for a first kiss. Only if he-

          Suddenly he pulls you towards him, making your body clash against his. His hand automatically holds you by the waist.

         It happened all of a sudden and plus the effort itself makes you blush furiously that you are unable to look up and meet his eyes. Seems like he felt the same.

        His other hand softly grips your chin and pushes it upwards gently, finally letting your eyes meet. Your dark green ones with his blue orbs. And he was staring deep down and hard, trying to see if you had any capability to remember what once was lost.

         Your face was inches away from his and you could feel his warm minty breath hitting you hard. Your heart began to race as fast as a winning racehorse breaking a world record and your stomach had this weird feeling of wanting to swallow itself, something that you have never felt before. But still the feeling was warm and jittery.

         You had goose bumps on every inch of your skin which was the effect of the close distance between you and him. And you wanted nothing more but to capture those lips under yours.

              "I'm so sorry, Angel..." he breathed, all the intense emotion flowing strong. "I promised I would never let you go... And still I was forced to..." He continued softly.

        At a point, you thought that he must've definitely forgotten that you were in front of him, in his embrace.

        Tears began to make their way down and you felt sorry for him even though you had no clue what he was talking about. You wanted to comfort him and remove the existence of his tears. It pained you to see him like this and made you feel guilty from the inside even when you didn't know the reason.

               "I never realised how much I loved you ..." You still didn't understand what was going on. More tears trembled down and made distinct paths down his cheeks. You could see that he was afraid. Terrified of something that you were desperate to know about.

         Under the moon light, he looked like an innocent angel who knew nothing about human emotions but it just started to affect him. And an angel crying is not a good sign, but supposed to be a bad omen.

         You still didn't understand what was going on and you didn't even know what to do. You just went listening to what he had to say.

          "I only realised your true worth in my life when I lost you.... Since then, I've looked everywhere for you... I never realised you would return here. In our home town..." His voice slightly cracked.

            "But now that I've found you... I'm never letting you go... No matter what..." He solemnly promised.

            Suddenly your body collides to the railing that saves you from falling into the inviting waters, with his body trapping you in between and his lips eagerly clashed into yours, with a new hint of urgency.

             Like there was no time to lose. And it was left as a simple luxury, something he could not seem to afford.

            It was your first kiss but his lingering lips on yours kind of triggered a sense, that maybe you have had these in your previous life.

                But currently, you didn't know what you were doing. You only knew you were definitely kissing him back. You didn't complain but as it registers in your mind, you reacted to it.

         Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him towards you and your fingers grip his hair. The embrace he held you in, made you feel so safe, protected and complete.

       The kisses that he left behind made you feel, left electricity exploding in your body. You felt the warmth of the sparks and you loved the feeling he gave you, all tingly. Even though you didn't know him well.

           It was the first time you've ever met him. And you barely know him, but still you felt like a complete jigsaw puzzle. And for the first time you didn't feel so lost.

        It was perfect. Everything felt complete and you knew that you wouldn't complain nor did you want anything to make it better.

        As the intensity of the heat increased to its peak, you feel a sharp pain at the back of your head. It hurt. Like hell.

           By mistake, as you tried to bear the stinging pain, you bite his lip hard to endure the pain, something that was instilled from the start. No matter what, the fear of pain was always in you. You couldn't seem to wipe it away.

        You felt black spots dancing in your vision. Blackness was slowly clouding your vision as you fall limp. You did not know what just happened. You did not know what just  hit you or where you fell.

           But all you knew with the knowledge of the current situation was that you did manage to see some hazy darkened figures against the nightly setting and that you had fallen on something soft, protecting you from getting hurt.

        "Luke..." You murmur before you completely temporarily greet black blankness. While only one thought strikes your mind: - Was this a trap? 

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