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We had planned for you to come whenever Stacey got off work. I remembered sitting on my bed like a girl waiting under the Christmas tree. Sometimes, we would talk for hours at a time. Other times, you had to leave after an hour. I never questioned it.

"Which question did we stop at?" You asked.

"Eighth," I answered.

"Okay, question eight. Where do you see yourself in five years?"

I paused. I had never considered that, especially not after my world became dark. Where would I be? Would my eyesight return to how it was? "I don't know, probably in college. You?"

"Ninth. What do you plan on studying?" You ignored my question.

"Whatever suits me," I answered. I didn't want to sound stupid for saying law when given my circumstances, it was nearly impossible.

Initially, you didn't say a thing. I could feel your breaths becoming heavier by the second. Finally, you said, "I hope you find something that you'll enjoy doing."

"I hope so too," I answered.

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