26. A Little Too Much Closure

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What if...

Two words, as said in the inspiring movie Letters To Juliet, that when put apart are as harmless as any two words are in the English language. But when put together, those same two words can haunt you for the rest of your life.

What if, what if, what if...

Those two words haunt many.

What if I hadn't called them just as they took the bend? What if I had called him before he took that last step off the Brooklyn Bridge and towards certain doom? What if I hadn't eaten that last piece of Chicken Carbonara? And the pressing question many teenagers wonder at least once in their life, What if I had been born in a different family?

The truth of life is that not one person knows another truly and well. Not one person knows everything that another is thinking. And not one person truly understands someone else better than they themselves do.

You might be living with your family and not truly know that your own sister or brother is having an internal war with themselves or that they have been experiencing emotional pressure from other people.

And there comes the what ifs. The questions you wonder when the irreversible deed is done.

In my case, the questions had been building up. But I didn't want to dwell on them ever, even when the news stated that the accident was due to an engine failure on the aircraft.

But I couldn't deny the fact that those questions were ever present on my mind now.

"Krystal." I felt a heavy pressure on my wrist and only then did I finally faze out of my thoughts, realizing that Douglas had been shaking me relentlessly for the past few seconds before he'd gone back to squeezing my wrist.

"Douglas," I tried to pull my wrist away from his grip but he ignored my weak attempts and tightened his grip.

His emerald green eyes were hooded in concern. "What happened?" His eyes drifted to the living room where I'd just runout off before it returned to me. "What did dad do?"

I chuckled dryly in frustration as I thought of the fact that he hasn't warned me. "You knew he was coming and you didn't warn me?"

No trace of guilt was found in his eyes. "I knew you weren't in any sort of trouble," he replied as he released my wrist but maintained our close proximity.

"How did you know I wasn't in trouble? Did you already know he wouldn't fire me because you were missing?" My frustration increased at the thought that he had been playing me all this time.

Burned (Hate at First Flight #2) ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora