The Past

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I watched as Jasabelle fell asleep on my chest, her chest rising and falling with every breath she took.

As I watched her I felt calm and collected because I could see that she was okay, but the minute she left my sight the rage that Jaxon felt. Athea hurt our mate and she needed to pay. How dare she come to my home knowing she is less than welcomes here and hurt my Jasabelle?

I growled. That stupid witch. When I find her, I'll fucking kill her with my bare hands; she is no sister of mine. I hate my father every day for having those two monsters of children. A vampire hybrid and a witch hybrid are dangerous beings, especially when raised partly around the mentality of my father. Controlling, manipulative and selfish. They have been a thorn in my side since they knew how to walk.

Usually they respect my pack lines but lately they both have been pushing their limits with walking onto my territory and into my home.

As the thought passes through my head, I begin to feel a little confused.

Why the hell are they suddenly so interested in my life? I hadn't Ajax in nearly ten years before a few days ago, and I haven't seen or heard from Athea in almost five. Suddenly they both appear at my home?

I look down at Jasabelle and sigh. I stroke her hair softly and smile when she purrs slightly and cuddles up closer to me. Who would want to possibly hurt this precious little thing. She is so pure, so untainted.

She makes me feel unworthy of someone so damn good. I have slaughtered packs, showed no mercy to those I take prisoner, I killed my own father, shunned my mother, and don't even acknowledge my siblings. I was filled with hate for so long before it simmered into numbness. Jasabelle is the only person I have shown any kindness to since my mother left.

My mother's leaving me was one of the hardest things I ever went through. It was the day after I had taken the alpha position, I had walked out of the study to find my mother at the front door with a few suit cases. Her blonde hair was pulled away from her face, showing her scars and bruises. She wore a tank top and a pair of jeans, they hung loose on her thin frame. Her body was covered in healing bruises. Her green eyes were still dull, but no longer lifeless, just dull.

She had lost her mate, gotten away from her abuser, and watched her son take his father's life. It shouldn't have surprised me when she said she was leaving. I should've been happy for her, let her enjoy her life in a way she couldn't before.

But I didn't. I was angry at 17, I had a horrible temper. I lashed out at her, telling her if she left me after everything we had been through than she was no mother of mine. I watched as her eyes became sad. For a moment I thought that maybe she would stay and we could get through everything together.

But she didn't. She picked up her bags and walked through the front door without a word and without looking back.

It had been almost eight months before I heard from her again. It was a letter explaining that she had joined a new pack and was being trained to heal there. I went into a rage and destroyed the newly renovated study.

I was angry at her for moving on and leaving me here to suffer alone. I woke up at night in sweats, my nightmares vivid and terrorizing me. I had been drinking to escape them. I was drinking four or five bottles a night just to sleep. So how dare she go on to be happy and leave me to suffer in my misery alone?

Mateless, no family, and my sanity hanging by a thread; My first few years of being alpha were spent locked in my study, sending Ken to meetings and gatherings to represent me. I spent my days rushing through paper work and chugging down bottles of whiskey and vodka like they were water.

I finally cleaned up my act when I woke up one night to find that I couldn't get out of my study because of all the bottles that littered the floor. I sunk to the floor and thought about the year and a half I wasted trying to forget my demons instead of facing them.

Now seven years later, I wasn't struggling with the demons I put to bed but I was closed off, cold and heartless to those around me.

Except my Jasabelle. I looked down at her and smiled. She was a light in my life that I didn't even know I needed. My baby girl was my entire life now. Everything about her makes me forget about my shitty past and look forward to our future.

I pulled her in closer to me and closed my eyes. I sighed in content as I slowly fell asleep. Before falling completely under I felt a small hand wind itself in my hair. I fell asleep with a smile on my face next to my mate.



SOOOOO UM this story hit 1k reads!!!!!! OMGGGGG thank you! Didn't think I'd get so many more reads in a 7 day span! Thanks guys !
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As always,
& Baby Ducks❤️

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