nine // like a toddler

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nine // like a toddler (edited!)

I didn't tell Romeo that I kissed my ex-boyfriend, but I felt like he already knew when he said, "You never called me back," and actually sounded annoyed about it. We were beneath our tree. He was lying on the grass with his head resting on my lap as he stared up at the clouds. I sighed softly.

"I know, sorry." He called me once I got back from ice-skating, but I was too overwhelmed with the drama and I didn't want to accidentally tell him about what happened. He would've been so mad. I could barely look at him as he sat up and attempted to stare into my eyes. He lifted my chin with his finger just so I'd look at him.

"What's wrong?" he asked, and my heart ached at how genuine he sounded. I shook my head to tell him nothing but he seemed to know the truth. "Something's wrong. C'mon, I'll help you out." I smiled faintly.

He moved the hair from my face with his gentle fingers and pulled it behind my ear so he could see my face clearly. Tenderly, he kissed my lips. I was scared that my lips tasted different, that they tasted like Max. So I didn't kiss back. Romeo frowned and pulled away.

Perhaps I should've just told him. It was best coming from me and not from Louisa. However, almost as if she knew exactly what I didn't want her to do, she came racing towards Romeo and I, dumping herself on the grass beside us.

Romeo smiled at her and she grinned mischievously. "Hey, what are you guys talking about?" She didn't give us time to answer before she said, "Mia, did you tell Romeo about how you kissed Max yesterday?" She knew that I hadn't told Romeo yet she didn't hesitate to open her mouth.

"What?" Romeo burst, his beautiful eyes boring into mine. I didn't know who I hated more – Louisa or myself.

Louisa shrugged as she stood up. "I guess you haven't told him yet. Well, see you later!" She disappeared back to wherever she came from and I lowered my head again. There was no way I could look at Romeo.

"Weren't you gonna tell me?" he asked, his voice still gentle. He lifted my chin again so he could see my face properly. "Is it true? Is that why you're quiet today?"

"I wanted to tell you," I answered, although that was only partly true. I knew that I should've told him, but I didn't want to. Romeo shook his head.

"I trusted you with him, Mia. I didn't expect you to go off and do that," he continued, his agitation increasing. To feel better about myself, I convinced myself that I hadn't done anything wrong because Romeo wasn't even my boyfriend so he didn't have the right to feel hurt. I knew that was wrong. We were committed to each other.

"You don't own me," I replied.

Romeo groaned as his body became tense again. "I know that. I just don't understand why you made out with your ex-boyfriend when there is clearly something good going on between me and you." His expression alone showed me how hurt he was, and I had to bite my cheeks so I wouldn't start crying. It wasn't my intention to hurt him.

He casually ran his fingers through his dark hair while I stared at the ground.

"Look at me," said Romeo. I reluctantly lifted my head to look at him and he was managing half a smile. "If you want this to end then that's up to you, but I love having you around. We can just forget about what happened yesterday. Sound good?"

I smiled daintily. "Sounds good," I replied. He sweetly kissed my lips and the tension disappeared.


It was a rainy Saturday and I was on my period. Usually, my cramps weren't that bad, but on this occasion I was curled up in my bed just trying to find a comfortable position to deal with the pain. I was glad Romeo wasn't here to see me in such a state. Or so I thought.

There was a faint knock on my door that I initially thought was my brother Martin, but when Romeo poked his head through the door I tried to fix my hair. He frowned as he saw what state I was in. "You alright?"

I tried to nod. "Cramps," was all I managed to say. Romeo just stood by my bedside, watching me. It was clear that he had no experience with this kind of thing, especially since he had no sisters and, well, no friends.

Kicking off his shoes, he climbed into bed with me and brushed a hand over my arm before massaging my lower back. It felt phenomenal. I began to relax when he touched me – it was as if he knew my body as well as I did. I sighed as my pain subsidised momentarily. He was probably grinning.

I turned over to look at him with a soft smile. Then, he slid down in the bed, lifting my top over my stomach.


He planted an abundance of kisses on my lower abdomen where the pain was, which caused me to giggle. My heart fluttered at the feeling of his warm lips on my skin and my fingers glided through his dark hair. As if I was a toddler, Romeo blew a raspberry on my stomach and made me giggle louder. He lifted his head to grin at me. "Better?"

"Of course," I replied as I smiled like an idiot. He placed his hand on my stomach and kissed my lips, even though both of us were still grinning. Resting his forehead on mine, Romeo's hot breath was hitting my lips. My lips were tingling with the desire to kiss him again and I guess Romeo's were too because he leaned in to kiss me again. Yet as I went in to kiss him back, he pulled away with a chuckle. He teased me.

"Loser," I joked.

"If I was a loser, I wouldn't have won your heart," he retorted cheekily as he got out of my bed. Without saying another word, he wandered out of my bedroom and I wondered where he was going and if he was going to come back. He did.

He handed me a hot water bottle and placed a cup of cold water on my nightstand, along with a box of tablets to help me with the pain. Then, as if nothing happened, he climbed back into bed with me. I couldn't help but smile because he knew how to take care of me. I was so lucky to have him.

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