Chapter 55 - Sex Day And Cloths

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Amanda's POV

A few weeks after we get back from Dubai, school starts again. Much to my, and everyone else's, dismay.

My life is finally normal again. There is nobody drowning me, assaulting me or cheating on me. I don't have to pretend to date a hot Italian guy to make my ex jealous. It's all normal.

Nothing very important happened to me. I've been happy. Except when Jen told me Hunter slept with another girl, and she was devastated. All her made-up wedding pplans went straight down the drain.

I am ready to kill Hunter, because people can mess with me, but they do not mess with my best friend.

I found out earlier, from James, that today that it is not only Valentines day, but also Austin's birthday. I am going to his house in an hour to surprise him, and I believe he wouldn't do what Evan did. I love the way Austin looks at me, like he would do anything for me.

I quickly get ready, slipping on a cute red dress with lace sleeves and a belt. Today is the day I finally lose it to Austin.

I'm so ready.


Austin's POV

I hate today.

Love? Happiness? It's all bullshit.

Why, you ask? Because today is the day. The day I was taken by the red head bitch. I know it's wrong to hate the day I was born, but that's what she did to me. Nobody really knows what happened in that basement. There was no way I could re-live that.

I tried so hard to forget. So hard, that I almost did forget, but I couldn't forget her last words. I couldn't forget the fact that I wasn't allowed to fall in love.

If anything were to happen to Amanda, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

It may have been a bad time to bring it up while Amanda was mad at me in Italy, but I just wanted her to know the truth.

I've kept it hidden for so long, and I've made sure I didn't hint towards the past. So, when I told Amanda, I wouldn't have been surprised if she didn't believe me.

It was hard telling her, but she means so much to me. I knew I had to do it.

A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts, and I get out of bed to go answer it.

I tug my tie slightly as I make my way towards the door.

Every year, I've worn a tie on Valentine's Day. I don't go out anywhere, but when I was younger, my mom used to host huge parties for me and I had to wear a tie. I sometimes just wish I could go back, so that way I wouldn't have to forget the past because it wouldn't have happened. That's why I wear it. It's just a memory.

I open the door, and the most beautiful girl I have ever seen is standing in front of me with a red dress on.

"Aloha, Mr. Sexy pants," Amanda says with a huge grin on her face. She gently pushes me into my house and against the wall, after closing the door.

"What are you doing?" I whisper, frowning.

"I'm giving you your present. Happy sex day," she says, pressing her soft lips against mine.

When she pulls away I laugh, "Sex day?"

"Yup, sex day. Today is a day where people get fat off heart shaped chocolates and have more sex than usual. Sex day. Oh, and happy birthday." She smiles up at me.

I laugh. "How did you know it was my birthday?"

"Shh." She pulls my tie, making me follow her into my room.

She pushes me down onto the bed and gets on top of me, straddling me. Holy fucking shit! Is this happening?

I lean up slowly and kiss her like my life depends on it. She leans into the kiss and I place my hands on her hips, moaning against her lips as she tugs at my hair.

She gets off me and stands up, unzipping her dress as she watches me with a smirk. I lean up on my elbows, so that I can get a perfect view of my perfect girl. Her dress slips off and she is wearing electric blue Victoria secret lingerie.


My girlfriend is gorgeous.

She has always been my fake girlfriend, but after our date in the Maldives she agreed to officially be my girl. All mine.

She grins and does a waving motion over her body. "You like?"

I slowly sweep my eyes over her body and bite my lip. "I fucking love," I admit, not able to take my eyes off her.

She straddles me again, slightly laughing, "Stop staring," she whispers in my ear before kissing me again.

"I can stare as long as I want, because you're mine now," I tell her. She's just so perfect, I can't help but stare.

Somehow she is the only one who gets me to forget about the red head bitch for a while. Amanda is my ecstasy.

"Mhmm, I'm yours," she whispers and grins as she slowly takes off my clothes.

She unbuttons my shirt, grinding against me at the same time. Fuck, she's driving my crazy. She removes everything until I'm only left in my black boxers and tie.

"You look like a sex god," she tells me, staring at my body. She pulls my tie, making me lean up to kiss her again.

Suddenly, her body is being ripped off of mine.

My eyes fly open, but it's too late, two guys are holding me down on either side of my body as I struggle to get free. They all have black masks on their heads, but I know exactly who they are.

Another guy holds my head up, forcing me to watch Amanda as she tries to remove a white, drugged cloth from over her mouth and nose.

She pulls against the gloved hand of the guy holding her, her screams being muffled by the cloth. Her wide eyes slowly shut, as her breathing slows down and her legs become weak.

No, this can't be happening.

Amanda's eyes open one last time and she looks at me, helplessly.

I can't move at all. The huge men hold me down, making sure I don't move an inch.

The guy holding Amanda, removes the cloth from her mouth, and her limp body falls to the ground.

"No, please! Leave her! Please, don't do this!" I beg, trying anything I can to get out.

I know it useless. Screaming never helps. I've learnt that the hard way, but I thought this was over. I thought the red head bitch had forgotten about me.

I was so wrong.

The guy holding my head connects his fist with my cheek, punching me over and over again, until there is blood dripping from my mouth and nose, aand all I can see is black.

No! I can't! I have to help Amanda, I can't let the red head bitch get her.

She'll die.


A/N: Guys, go follow me on insta (@laylzk) Merci!

Song: Touch - Little Mix

Question of the day: What are you doing right now? I'm literally just lying on my bed.

Lots of love and jelly tots- TPG

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