To Live Again (7)

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The whole chapter was typed up with a broken arm once more and I am doing so much work on this currently! I am putting together the 'Blood Playlist', making Word documents of each chapter and a document of the whole story all together along with all the editing!

So enjoy this! I'm working hard! Thanks!


“What are you doing to me?” I screamed, tears falling easily down my cheeks.

Her rage swelled inside of me along with a bubble of incomprehensible words and thoughts. It set alight my anger at her mental presence in the body that should now belong to me. Monique must have heard that last thought as she seemed to explode.

“Comment osez-vous à dire cela salope?” She screeched through my lips.

Again, I understood every word she said. I could hear the thoughts behind each word and make sense of them. She couldn’t believe I dared say that or more think that; she was angry that I was claiming her body.

“This is my body! It was yours but now it is mine!” I growled lowly.

“And why is that?” She snarled in French.

“I was given this body. I healed this body. You should be dead!” I roared.

I felt a wave of shock pass through me from her consciousness, making me stumble. I felt her hurt and pain creep through me as doubt burst in her. Then a memory leapt into my mind, playing like a film in my imagination. I watched it as Taro and I remembered it as Monique.

There was chaos. It was thick around me just like the smoke.  People were running everywhere, knocking me here and there as they ran past. Screams echoed in the air with the piercing cry of terrified children as the strong stench of burning rubble and hot blood lingered in the air. I tried to push my way through the crowd and escape the gathering citizens but I found no escape.

"Nathan? Where are you? Nathan!" I cried out though my voice was muffled by the sea of people.

I began to panic. Just like the other people around me, I started to run, push and shove through the crowd, searching for my brother or at least my parents.

Suddenly, a loud whistling noise called out from above me. I looked up as did all the other people in sight to see a large plane coming straight at us. Its large black figure became more defined as it approached, revealing the red, white and black swastika perfectly printed on both sides.  My heart skipped a beat and everybody, including me, froze.

We were only interrupted by the cry of a woman.

“They have come; the Germans, the Nazis! They will kill us all!” She screeched before falling for the flow with an audible thump.

We stared for one second before all of hell broke loose.

People began screaming and crying, some falling to the floor and weeping as others shoved through the crowd, looking for escape. I joined those pushing and somehow found myself running down an empty alley way. I slipped on the wet floor and fell with a sickening crunch in my ankle. I screamed in pain, clutching at my burning ankle. Tears began sliding down my face as I collapsed in defeat. I lay there listening to the engines of planes, the screams of children and women and the loud booms of the bombs, exploding in our village. The air was thick with the smells of blood, sweat, burning houses and gasoline and the tastes of iron and lost hope. All I could feel was cold and numbness as I lay there and all I could see was the filthy wall opposite me, seeming to mirror my gloomy emotions.

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