Dear Reader,

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I'm sure you've seen lots of movies and TV series and maybe even reality shows about people with the same ability as my heroine, Suze Simon: so-called "mediators" who can communicate with the dead, helping them resolve whatever issues they've left behind in this world, so they can cross over to the next.

But the "reality" of Suze's gift isn't at all the way they portray it in the movies or on TV. That's because—though she's kept notes on her cases for some time—Suze hasn't shared them, since doing so might risk someone's physical or emotional safety. That's why only a few of her closest family and friends (and now you) are aware of her secret.

But don't worry if you missed any of Suze's previous "progress reports." After all, they took place in high school. And who wants to relive high school?

Except that it was in high school when Suze first encountered the love of her life, Jesse de Silva. It took a miracle to bring them together, and they've sworn that nothing will ever tear them apart. Or will it?

If there's one thing I've learned since high school, it's that life is full of miracles . . . and secrets . . . .

And surprises, like that a character I created in the year 2000 would have such a lasting impact on the lives of so many, including my own.

For that, I'll never stop being thankful, especially to allof you.            

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