Chapter Twelve - Unedited

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Chapter Twelve

I ride through the forest on Thunder's back, slowly making my way to the old chapel. I suddenly hear a snap behind me and turn to see Christian riding Nike,

"I thought you'd go to visit Kaloua. I was on my way to visit Nadi."

I nod, "Did you get the feeling that Evangelina and Harrison were actually blowing steam at each other?"

Christian nods, "I did get that vibe."

I shake my head, "I know I should be happy that I have Harrison but...but I know just how much it meant to Evangelina to be royal. Ever since a kid she has wanted to be Queen."

Christian nods, "Then make sure you remember her feelings when you become Queen."

I nod and we continue to the broken chapel in silence. As it comes into view, something instantly tells me not to go inside. I jump off Thunder and begin to walk towards the chapel, then it turns into a run. No, no, no, I think to myself, knowing something is very wrong. I lean backwards and slide under the hole, and into the chapel. I stand quickly and search around,

"Renaldo? Nadi? Kaloua? Snow?" I call out, panic seeping into my voice. I knew something would go wrong!

"P-pr-princess?" I hear a weak voice call me and follow it into one of the escape holes, seeing Renaldo laying there, half dead. Tears well in my eyes as I crawl to his side, tearing fabric from the bottom of my pants and pressing it to his bleeding wounds,

"No, no, no...Renaldo, you'll be fine..."

He smiles weakly, "You been a good friend, Arabelle. Look, me English is better!" I continue to try and stop the bleeding but he stops me, "The King did this, Snow fled when 'e came, and 'e took your dragon and da red one, too."

My eyes narrow, "Do you know where?"

Renaldo shakes his head with pain, "I sorry, Princess."

I lean down and give Renaldo a friendly kiss on the cheek, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Princess, you done everythin' you can for me already. Me servin' ya was enough."

A tear rolls down my cheek as he closes his eyes and takes his last breaths. I notice Christian standing beside me and I turn to him, wiping my eyes clean, "We need to bury him."

After we gave Renaldo a funeral beside the chapel, I walk back to Thunder. Christian jogs after me,

"What now?"

"We find our dragons." I snap and swing onto Thunder, but Christian grabs onto me,

"Belle, we need to think about this. We can't just storm up to the king and-"

"And you would rather our dragons be slaughtered?" I growl at him, kicking Thunder into a canter. I hear Christian catching up and I kick Thunder faster, hearing straight to the castle. I feel my sword at my hip and near the castle walls. I jump off Thunder and walk towards the castle gates. The guards open them and I storm in, heading straight to the throne room.

As I slam the doors open, the King stands, a mocking smile on his face, "Arabelle, welcome!"

I see a bunch of knights nearby, and Fraser is one of them. I signal for him to come over to me and he raises an eyebrow curiously, "Yes?"

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