Chapter 26 - My Best Friend's Boy Friend

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Chapter 26 – My Best Friend’s Boy Friend

My hands fumbled on the mobile phone Leon gave me and typed a haphazard message.

I want to tell you something. Come back soon. —Sarah            

“Hi, Sarah’s Mom. Is Sarah Home?” Matt said energetically as he stepped inside.

“I take you’re Matt Adams? Sarah’s in the living room,” Mom said with a feeble smile as he led Matt to the living room where I sat plotting his demise.

I pressed send before Matt could settle himself on the couch and eyed on him rather impassively though I could almost feel my hands trembling.

Relax, Sarah. I breathed deeply contemplating about the next hour or two I had to spend so unwillingly with him. It couldn’t be that bad. Or so I thought.

Matt brushed his fingers through his dark wavy locks that had now reached the tip of his brows. He casually shrugged off his jacket, revealing toned russet arms.

“I’ll be at the study if you need anything.” Mom threw me a meaningful look then truged lightly on the stairs, humming to herself.

“So,” Matt begun as he edged his way through the huge stack of books I had troubled myself to haul down the stairs just for the formality of predicament. “Nice place you got here.”

I projected an acerbic imitation of a smile. “Uh, not anymore, it isn’t.”

“Ow.” His hand soared to his chest as though a bullet had just hit him. “I have feelings too, you know.”

“I wouldn’t count on that. Unless I get a concrete evidence like an X-ray confirming that you have a heart. Let’s get this over with, shall we?” I muttered exasperatedly. “So in which part of Biology exactly do you need help?”

Matt shrugged and perched himself comfortably on the arm rest of the single couch where I sat. I pretended to not be affected by his presence though I so much wanted to hurl all the books I could get my hands on at him.

“Let’s see…” I leaned over to pick Ferguson’s Biology for Beginners then fixed my ever so reliable pair of spectacles on the bridge of my nose. “We’re currently about to finish Animal Biology but let’s see what you can actually understand.” I handed him the book and stacked three more on his arms.

He chuckled nonchalantly. “Someone’s a bit over enthusiastic.”

I threw him a belligerent scowl. “Someone should just go home if that certain someone couldn’t help but complain.”

“Okay, okay. I’m not complaining,” he grumbled eyeing ludicrously at the stack of books. “But could we at least thin these up a bit?”

Letting out a smug hump, I started drawing out a centimeter-thick soft bound book from the pile and flung it to him.

“It’s a workbook. You know, a book with questions and you have to answer them.” I spoke a little louder and slower than normal as though I was talking to an imbecile. I smirked hoping it annoyed him at the least.

“Now that, I can handle.” The smile on his face did not even waver as he thumbed through the pages. If he was so awfully thick or deliberately pretending to be impervious to my goading, I could not entirely be sure.

“Now go answer the exercise in the end of chapter seven in a corner or something,” I said facing my own homework with an composed façade. Finals would be coming in less than a couple of weeks and I had to work hard too if I were to keep my straight A streak; well, that exemplifies Geometry and P.E., of course. I was sure I would get a B minus at the most.

As Told By Nerdyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن