Chapter ~ 3

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~ Chapter 3: Happy Birthday to Me... and Ryler ~

Birthdays haven't always been a big thing with my family. I don't remember them when I was younger but if we had them they weren't much of a celebration. However we do give Going Away parties. So, when I looked through the window of the house and saw streamers and balloons I thought it was for Genny Grace, who is going to Earth for college so she can become a teacher. I guess you can imagine the way my heart nearly jumped out of my chest when I opened the front door and my family yelled out "Happy birthday!"

I about close the door in their faces, but I'm too frozen to make my limbs move; proving that my fight or flight instinct is broken in the face of my family.

From behind Chase's arms grapple me and push me further into the house. "Happy Sweet Sixteen, sis!" He yells in my ear, laughing. Apparently last night's craziness wasn't enough for anyone.

I don't get Sweet Sixteen. There's nothing really sweet about it. Maybe to others there's some importance; like being given your Choice which typically has kids flying to the moon with happiness, but not me.

I have nothing against Dragonmage. Nothing against dragons or the men and women who ride them. I just really wish I wasn't among them. Perhaps my mindset will change overtime, but for now I will glare at the concept of riding a dragon or any other flying creature.

Chase pinches my side. "Glare-thinking is not allowed at your birthday party. Cheer up." He snaps a pointy hat to my head, making sure that I feel the string bite my chin.

I shoot him a look that he laughs at. Glare-thinking is what Chase calls a certain distant look I get when I'm thinking too particularly hard on something. Apparently I glare at random things. For reasons Chase keeps to himself, he titled the look and likes to remind me that he can read my expressions like a rule book.

Ryler is in the middle of the living room and Chase drags me to stand beside him, while my family and a few family-friends wish us happy birthday. A pointy, party hat rests among his shaggy blonde hair announcing in colorful letters and numbers that it's his birthday. I have a feeling mine says the same.

"They got you too," Ryler says poking my side, but then fixes the uncomfortable string under my chin. "I came through the back trying to avoid everything, but apparently, we're predicable."

I try to glare at my family, but their broad grins and uncontrollable happiness barely take a second to rub onto me and then I'm smiling and laughing too.

Mom and Katie are in the kitchen, smiling and preparing something that smells an awfully lot like pork loin and vegetables – which, in case you don't know, is one of the best meals every created. Genny Grace is talking with a girl that I should know the name of with how many times she's been over, but I can't remember it right now. Tempest is nowhere to be found and Alice is crowding a corner with her black cat Shallow. She is sort of smiling while Chase tries to engage her in conversation, but Alice doesn't like smiling... or talking... so Chase is fighting his typical losing battle. Carter King, Carma's fiancé, is trying to sneak into the kitchen like the little kid he is at heart. I should probably explain that he's a Vampire Prince, but Chase will most likely get onto me for Glare-thinking.

Carma isn't in here either. Which has me worried. Tempest and Carma are the masterminds behind anything we do. They're really good at planning, but sometimes I worry about what they can get us into.

I shake my head. Stop ruining the mood with over excessive thinking.

So, I turn to my twin brother and say, "Happy birthday, Ry."

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