Chapter 2: Emotion spree

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Lexa's POV

The doctor - Abby - looks at me again, ensuring that I'm accepting her offer. What? She's going to take me to her house?
Shock overwhelms me a little, the woman is full of surprises. I wake up and nod quickly - of course I wanna go away from this sick-house. Abby's lips form into wide smile, her glasses still on the point of her nose. "Amazing," she says, raising her hands, pointing at me with one of them. "Just wait here for another while, I have to do one more thing and then we can go."

I don't have to say anything, she's already gone and I'm alone in the room again. I didn't even notice the other doctor leaving; that must've been the shock.

I don't quite know what to do with myself now that I heard those amazing news. Wait, Lexa, you feel something? Are you ill? I ask myself. Usually when I'm alone, I don't even sense the time. It became irrelevant.

But now, I can feel something. It may be a little sparkle of hope, just that, and I'm feeling unsure. Scared. I don't want my feelings back, everything hurts too bad. I look at my hands, my palms sweating with nervousness. They're also shaking, but that became pretty usual recently. I close my eyes and lean my head to the old white wall, almost feeling all the ill people that were in this room before me, imagining bacteria slowly settling in my lungs. I breathe in deeply. Maybe they can kill me.

"Here you go," Abby suddenly rushes into the room, "these are some clothes I'll lend you. Yours are ready to be put in a trash can." She smiles, handing me the little heap of cotton. "No offense."

I already like this woman. She seems generous and kind, yet funny and tough. I wonder what her home looks like. Does she like flowers? Does she cook? And what about children, does she have some?
Abby leaves, me not saying a word again. I should start speaking to her, what if she changes her mind and sends me back here?

I look at the clothes. White T-shirt, dark blue jeans and a sweater. It's not that cold outside, it's May, she must've seen my attire before and assumed that I'm cold every time now. I dig out of the sheets, sitting on the edge of the bed, still looking at those clothes. I put them next to me, pulling the hospital's off, finally getting rid off that constant disinfection smell on my body. I quickly change; the jeans are slightly over-sized but it's comfortable. I get up from the bed and every part of my body is in pain, damaged by the tough fall to the ground, but I can handle it. They say it's a miracle that I'm not seriously injured; I wouldn't have called it a miracle. More bad luck.

I slowly move one leg in front of the other, holding on to the bed with one hand and the chair next to it with the other one. I somehow manage to walk to the door without any support and reach for the handle. I open the door and on my left I see a hallway with reception at the end. Abby is standing by it and signing some papers, quietly arguing with some doctor about me.

"It's my decision, stop commanding me what to do, Marcus." She says, not looking up from the papers.
"It's not a good idea," the man says, "you're in here for the most of the time, who's gonna take care of her?"
"You forgot that I have Clarke," she says eagerly, raising her head and looking him straight in the eyes, furious. "I don't think that her being trapped in here would help anything. She has to live a normal life."

Marcus stares at her with evident disagreement, most likely thinking about what she just said. "But what if Clarke doesn't agree with this? I don't expect her to be happy with having a girl that is almost the same age in her room."
"Excuse me?" Abby's eyes widen, "that's none of your concern, Kane. Goodbye." She says, signing the last document and walking to my room, head down.

Clexa AU °Safe Haven° [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now