Author's Note: 8/12/18

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Welcome to the first draft of A Kind of Bravery!

Now, before you get reading, please keep in mind that much of this story was written over three years ago. There are errors and plot inconsistencies and little things I once hoped to change in future drafts of the story. Unfortunately, as time has gone on, I have lacked time and ability to actually edit and rewrite like I'd planned, and in many ways the series itself has been left to the wayside. That's not to say I don't often think of continuing it, but thinking isn't exactly the same thing as actually doing it.

However, knowing all of that, feel free to read A Kind of Bravery. When I wrote it, it was as a stand-alone sister novel to Glass Slippers, and when I completed it, it became the second story I'd ever written in its entirety. Despite its flaws and inconsistencies and awkward moments, I'm still proud to have finished it, even if the end product isn't perfect.

Happy reading!

A Kind Of Bravery: A Mulan Retelling [1st Draft]Where stories live. Discover now