An All Hallows Night with Frankie Cocozza | BoyxBoy| | FanFic |

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England; Eton College, October 31Th, 1983.

'Aren't I simply marvelously chilling, darlings?' Imogen asked in her deep voice which was very theatrical.

'Completely! Utterly marvelous, Imogen!' Izzy clapped his hands as he compliment and watched Imogen twirl in her costume. 

Seraphina Imogen Rose was many things into one package as many who have already met her glamorous, fabulous self have gotten to notice. Only those of such close contact like Isaac 'Izzy' Perkins and Charlie Chance would know how far ahead of her time Imogen was in her fashion. Being the sought out model that she was, Imogen was able to explore far much more of the world and fashion than Charlie or Izzy ever could. Izzy would love to be able to strut his walk in heels and have different men await for him in his bed ever night. Charlie, in the other hand, is much more interested in writing of the world and experiences she gives him. 

No one can deny Imogen the entrance of coming and going as she pleases. The girl had her two male friends help in carrying her trunk of costumes which, fortunately for Charlie and Izzy, didn't weigh over a ton compared to most of her suit cases.

The trio resided in Izzy's room where it was much more convenient to discuss costumes for Eton's Halloween celebrations of the night. The college decided to have competition between the houses: Cotton, Hopgarden, Hawtrey and other twenty one houses. The competition is for each house to decorate the interior and exteriors of the property in the theme of Halloween, or possibly even as a. . .haunted house. The competition is all in good fun for the students of Eton yet it does bring up its rivalries. How could it not? The house which wins will be able to get out of a week of homework, detentions and any other bothersome school activities considered by the students. 

Izzy - like many others which take shelter under Hopgarden House - was especially ecstatic to decorate the house in ghoulish decor. To bring about the eerie spirit of Halloween! Fake blood, cobwebs, dismembered limps, jack'o-lanterns, witches, and so much more! He certainly did speak his mind during the house meeting a week ago. The excited short haired blond even told a horror legend with such dramatic feeling he was able to arouse the Halloween spirit in just about all the house mates. While that occurred, Charlie couldn't stop smiling at his best mate's enthusiasm. He, too, was in the mood for Halloween and the challenge. The boy was able to come up with some schemes that involved luring students into certain rooms where they are meant to be frightened. 

It has been a week since the meeting and the students of Hopgarden House have already decorated the entire house in the spooky theme that is Halloween. In such a short period of time they were able to make props, buy and sneak in different types of gruesome items. Each floor was in complete darkness which was meant to take away anyone's sense of sight, having them rely only on their four other senses. . .yet those will be lacking as well. There was speakers hidden in which sounds of screams were echoing, the aroma of rotten milk and eggs filled the entire building, and the walls were covered in cobwebs. The kitchen was the main attraction in which make-shift dismembered limbs were made and placed on counters and chairs, along with slime and cobwebs. Since there is no use of light to illuminate someone's way, the sense of touch is very important. Hopefully, feeling slime and cobwebs between one's fingers will be distracting in order for Hopgarden's students to scare their victims. 

Once Imogen heard of the celebration, she paid a visit to her favorite two darlings at Eton while wearing her very well-made costume. A costume much ahead of her time. Her long, golden feathered blond and usually well kept hair was teased to the point where it looked like a bird's nest on her scalp, it was even covered with dirt and fake blood acting as streaks through her hair. Her skin was unusually pale with different color of bruises as if someone had beaten her badly, the red lip stick on her lips was smeared along with her black eyeshadow. She looked awfully ill with black bags under her eyes, but of course, being Imogen, her beauty surpassed any disfiguring she would paint herself in. She may have been wearing an above the knee, haggard looking white dress with blood splatter all over it and herself yet still very stunning and impressive. How so? Why, the most impressive is the flesh wounds on her neck, right knee, both wrists and left cheek that looked ghastly real. Imogen had herself a grand laugh the moment she sneaked up on her two darlings. It took both Izzy and Charlie a moment to realize that their fabulous friend was still quite fabulously alive instead of a walking dead. Charlie wouldn't put it pass her that she'd look glamorous as a real corpse though. He firmly believe the beauty will continue being exactly who she is even after death.  

An All Hallows Night with Frankie Cocozza | BoyxBoy| | FanFic |Where stories live. Discover now