What are friends for

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Sienna was on the subway going back to her empty apartment. Cody had of course offered her to stay the night but she had declined giving him the excuse of dirty laundry and school tomorrow, which he accepted mostly because he knew it all to be otherwise true. Surveying her surroundings she noticed there were more people on the subway than what was usual especially at this late a time. A movement caught her attention a grouping of guys they seemed ordinary looking enough. Kinda colorful but not her place to judge others on style choices. She tried pinpointing what was making her begin to feel a sense of dread and knotting in her gut but nothing else caught her attention. She tried to shrug it away, it was probably just because she was riding the subway so late at night alone she reasoned turning her attention away from the guys.

Soon enough her stop came and she exited the train, though she couldn't dismiss the dread she felt. When she turned around there was no one coming off the platform with her so she summed it up to her hyperactive imagination and decided to hurry home.

The sense that she was being followed only strengthened on her way there; however every time she turned, it was to find empty space behind her. She chided herself for being so dramatic then admonished herself for the chiding. As if she needed to beat herself up anymore than normal. Besides, her intuition was usually very good (except, it seems, when it comes to dating).

A block from her apartment her phone fell out of her pocket as she bent to pick it up she saw a shadowy figure stop behind her and dart behind a building. Thoroughly spooked she immediately took off for her building acknowledging the absence of footsteps behind her but not caring enough to risk stopping. She punched in the code to enter the front door and bounded up the stairs two to three steps at a time barely registering the buzz. She pulled her keys out of her hoodie before realizing she'd done it; stuck it into the slot and turned it all in one motion. She stepped inside her home and threw her entire weight against the door. it took her a moment to regain breath as she had been gulping air as if she'd been previously drowning. When she finally caught her breath she listened intently for any steps and when she was confident there weren't any she peeked through the hole. Empty space yet again though this time she knew she'd been being followed before. Or was she? Was this all just her mind playing games because she wanted a more exciting life?

She locked the door and ran her fingers over her sweaty forehead before a small hesitant smile curved her lips. She supposed to find out she'd have to go out and get a life.

"Commence Scientific Experiment 1." She muttered under her breath before making her way towards the bathroom; nothing like a hot shower after a terrifying run.


A sudden crunch made Sienna finally stop chewing on her thumb nail and examine the damage she dealt it. It was red and purple from chewing, she sighed collapsing on her bed backside first. All around her were mountains of clothes she had no idea what to do with.

She could simply throw them all away but she had a lot of good clothes in these piles. She could sort through them but was entirely too lazy though that was looking like her only option as of now.

She swung herself up and off her bed going back to the full length mirror.

She stared at her sea foam eyes before turning back around and giving the clothes a death glare. As she bent to examine her strewn about wardrobe she began flinging shirts and jeans and all manner of articles of clothing into the hallway in a frenzy.

A loud ringing sounded throughout the apartment and quicker than possibly sonic she was out the door and down the hall.

"Yo." She said pressing the button by her patio door.
"Yo yourself, open the door." Cody replied through the receiver. She hit the button next to the speak button and heard the loud buzzing sound of her buildings door opening. In a few minutes her best friend poked his boring blonde head through a crack between her door and the wall. She nodded her head at him in acknowledgement before jumping over piles of clothes back into her own room. Cody made himself follow her in and was not at all shocked to see the mess that covered the floor, from white wall to opposite white wall.

"Is this the reason you called me over? Man I thought we were going out to chiiilllllll." He said letting the last word drag on as mild disappointment replaced his semi handsome features.

She turned around and stuck her tongue out to him with indifference in her eyes. He smiled before bending down to pick up a balled up blueish shirt. When he opened it up a cat with a cherry poptart body and a rainbow behind it lit the dark shirt with loads of color. Cody was admiring the Nyan Cat when the shirt was suddenly and violently ripped from his grasp.

"Nyan Cat has been missing for AGES!" Sienna revealed as she hugged the shirt tightly to her chest. Cody rolled his eyes at her despite his smirk.

"All right then, I suppose if I want to hang out with you today at all we're gonna have to clean up this bloody mess." She turned to him grinning widely with her big, innocent, aquamarine eyes. He let go a ragged breath before getting to work on her strangely extensive wardrobe that contained all sorts of clothes and costumes alike. Part of being apart of the Anime nation was the want to cosplay. He understood, he recently got his Sanji cosplay in the mail and couldn't wait for the next Comicon which wasn't that far off.


Some few hours later Sienna and Cody were throwing heavy duty black bags into a blue donation box at the local library. It's one of a few places you'd find the box. The sky was fairly lit at 5:30 in the afternoon which was pretty good for them since it still hadn't gotten too cold and they didn't bring any jackets with them.

"Thanks Cody, I would have had to work a whole two days before the clothes had been sorted out appropriately." Sienna said flopping down into the passenger seat of his red 2011 Hyundai Sonata. He settled into the driver's seat and shrugged as he put his seat belt on. Jogging her memory she began to put hers on as well.

"So where are we off to now my friend?" He asked expecting her to say home per usual, meaning his home.

"How about Westfield? I want to see if I can find a few new outfits for my new coming look." Cody laughed in her face as she said this and seeing her reaction immediately tried to stop however he was quite unsuccessful. She didn't think it was funny. "Not cool man. You know how much this really means to me." His laughter died down and he nodded as he pulled onto the streets heading to Westfield Shoppingtown.

"Yea I do, but whenever you decide your going to change yourself you stall forever and eventually forget all about the concept. Besides that, you know I don't think you need to change anything about yourself. Your awesome just the way you are Sea and I honestly don't see the reasoning behind it." She sat back in the seat crossing her arms as she looked out the window. The sky was set at dusk by the time they arrived.

"Two hours later. Can we go home yet Sea? I'm really tired of looking at stuff I can't buy."

She shrugged with exasperation, finally relenting as she dropped the grey top in her hands back to the pile in the basket in front of her. "Yea sure." Her frustration obvious by the hard edge in her voice as she replied to his never ending request. "I guess my mighty morphin transformation will just have to wait." She sighed as they began exiting the store. They had explored all the stores inside the old orchard shopping center. Bloomingdale's, Macy's and Nordstrom and none of them had been what she'd been hoping for. It ground on her, a full two and a half hours with nothing to show for it but her same old raggedy wardrobe. 

When they got to the car she slid into the seat silently and buckled up. Cody whom was happy to finally be going home looked over at his best friends sulky face and sighed loudly, and somewhat over dramatically. "Okay, okay, enough Faery eyes." He pulled out his phone and turned to her expectantly. "What type of clothes were you even looking for?" She looked up pondering exactly what she had in mind before nodding to herself. When she looked back at him she shrugged sheepishly.

"Something of the eccentric type? Like...Cyber punk, or antiquated like gothic victorian, or even Bohemian." Cody narrowed his eyes at her with a scowl.

"Your not really sure are you." She immediately shook her head, then looked up again in thought before nodding. 

"Something...Unique?" He sighed heavily and put his phone down without typing anything. He put his hands on the driving wheel positions of ten and two before resting his head lightly against the horn. 

"Something unique, huh?" He rhetorically asked as he turned his eyes to her once more. She nodded vigorously and he sighed again before pulling his head up and turning on the engine. "Then I know a place." he said before he sped out of the parking lot, heading for the highway.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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