A Slice Of Hope

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Author's Note: Any suggestions for a new title? I really don't like the name, but I can't think of anything else.


It was difficult for Brodhi not to run home after he talked to Dr. Cendrowski. Both him and his guard followed Brodhi as he walked back to his house. They were the only reason that Brodhi didn't run; he knew that they would never be able to catch up with him.

Cendrowski was spending the entire time talking about what he had planned and what he needed Brodhi's help with. He used so many words that Brodhi had never heard before and couldn't understand, that he just spent the time nodding his head. He didn't want to ask him to stop and explain. He was afraid he would look too dumb and Cendrowski would change his mind. He had to get Lynn in that hospital.

Brodhi couldn't help himself from taking off once he saw the front door. It was a couple hours until Curfew, so there were no more children in the house. He flew through the house and into the kitchen. He couldn't see her, so he ran up the stairs and into their bedroom.

He saw Lynn lying on the bed. She was curled up on her side and her large belly rested against the bed. Her red curls were pulled back and sweat glistened off her temple. The air in the room was hot and stuffy. Brodhi put his knee down on the bed and leaned over to kiss her cheek. Her eyes fluttered open and Brodhi leaned away.

"Come on," he said. "We're going now."

If it weren't for the smile on his lips, Lynn would have been terrified.

"Wh...where are we going?" she asked confused. Her voice still sounded groggy from her sleep.

"I got a job. Some doctor wants me to help him out. And-" Brodhi started to explain.

"A doctor?" she asked cutting him off.

"Yes. Bu that's not the best part. Because I'll be workin' in the hospital we'll be livin' there too. You can have the baby in hospital, Lynn."

The confusion left her face and was replaced with a smile. She slowly lifted herself up off the bed and cradled her stomach with her arm.

"What about Jasper? He won't know-" she started.

"That doesn't matter," Brodhi snapped. "Jasper cares about Shai more than us. He comes back here and the place is empty, he shouldn't care. And all of the parents will realize we're gone when we don't open the door. They'll find someone else to go to."


There was a knock on the door that cut Lynn off. Cendrowski stood there with his knuckles still on the doorframe. Brodhi felt Lynn's small, clammy hand clamp around his arm.

"If you don't mind we really should get going," Cendrowski informed them. "Leave all of your stuff here. We will have everything you will possibly need at the hospital."

"We'll be right down," Brodhi told him.

He nodded his head and they listened as he walked down the stairs. Brodhi quickly slipped his arm around Lynn's back and helped her get off the bed. She continued to hold onto his arm as he guided her down the stairs.

The guard was leaning up against the counter in the kitchen with his arms crossed across his chest. Cendrowski was pacing around the kitchen inspecting the cupboards and counters. He didn't turn around until the stairs stopped creaking. He turned around and crossed his hands behind his back.

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