Chapter 13: I just.....

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"Jared.... honey, please come out."That is my mom, again. She has been doing this for the past week. I have been avoiding everyone for the past week. I go out all day and come back when it's too late for them to be up. Not that it has stopped my mom. It's like she no longer sleeps. I barely manage to stay two steps ahead of her."I know it's hard but we can talk about this. You can't keep hiding Jared."I need some time to think without her influence. Get my thoughts straight and wrap my head around this ordeal with Shane. Mom managed to figure out that I was staying at home today. I swear she has superpowers. She can not possibly know me that well. It is Sunday and well there is not much to do on a Sunday. I was gonna pretend that I was not home but mom and her dang super Jared sensing abilities have ratted me out.I put in my headphones and turn the volume right up. She will go away in five minutes. I do not want to hear her begging anymore. I know exactly what she wants to talk about and I do not want to hear it at the moment. I close my eyes and let my music soothe me.Something hits me in the face. I grab onto it. It is one of my pillows. I open my eyes to see Mark standing in front of me with another pillow. My door is still locked. But one of the windows is open. I pull out the headphones. Looking at Mark wide-eyed."Are you insane? What if you had fallen?"He glares at me. "Well, I wouldn't have to be scaling a slippery roof if you would just open your bloody door.""It's closed for a reason."He walks over and sits on the end of the bed. "Bro, come on talk to me.""I don't have anything to say.""So you plan to avoid everyone for the rest of your life?"I sigh. He knows me too well. "Why didn't she tell me? I mean I know what I did make her hate me but a kid is different. Even if she did hate me..... I don't understand it."He gets up and starts pacing around. He is up to something. He stops. "Well, maybe you should let her tell you why." He then opens my door and moves aside.Shane steps inside. Mark slips out and closes the door. My heart does a rollercoaster swirl she is a vision of beauty. Her brown eyes glued to the floor. Her lips are carrying a frown. It is quite upsetting and I know I am the cause of it."I guess you don't wanna talk to me."I do not answer."Guess I should leave then." She turns around."Only if you're going out the window."Mark is pretty clever. He took out my room key. I am gonna get him back for this. Or maybe I'll just give him a hug depending on how this whole thing goes.I put my headphones back in. I am known for being an ass. Right now I have all the reason to be.Halfway through the song, she moves. She sinks to the floor. Wiping her face. Asshole achievement unlocked. I pause the already muted the music."I was wrong." She sniffles"I know that much Shane.""I didn't find out until after I left... I thought that if I told'd be mad so I decided... I wasn't gonna keep them... But I couldn't give them up... They were pieces of you..... Eric wanted to raise them as his own... We were... They're happy... I didn't plan on coming back or meeting you here... I was so mad at you for what you did....""You weren't ever gonna tell me were you?" Ouch. I can understand why but it still hurts."For a long time... No.. Then we got here and it pained my heart each time I saw you... I wanted to tell you...""Then why didn't you?""I don't know.""You don't? How hard would it have been to pick up the phone and call me? Write a letter or send an email... You said you took the stupid pills... You said you'd tell me if anything happened and you didn't."Having a girl for a best friend is as ordinary as anything but Shane and I. Well, we crossed a lot of boundaries. I was her first in everything concerning sexual body contact. She changed her clothes in front of me so often that it just happened. First kiss, the first time. I was in a way her teacher.She just wanted to gain experience. Since I was an expert and her best friend we did stuff. I showed her the ropes. In the process, I fell for her. I had liked her since we were seven but it was then I realized what love was. Of course, she never thought much of it. She was too comfortable to fall in love with me."Jared..""Don't Shane. You wanted to get back at me and I get it. You've managed to hurt me twice now. I don't regret doing what I did. I had to. I'm only sorry you got hurt in the process. It was for your good.""I know... Mark told me why you did it.""So." I snap."That's why you wouldn't tell me... That's why you made me hate you." Tears fell from her eyes."How could I have looked at you. The girl I've loved since the first day we met and tell her that the guy she was falling for was gonna share her with his friends. What kind of monster would I be if I got you out of the frying pan only to throw you right into the fire.""I thought you were just being selfish, trying to ruin everything like you always did when we were kids."I did tend to get jealous when she was around other boys. I ruined a lot of potential relationships for her. I used to tell her that she was wasting her time with the ones I chased away. She still never saw me though.I get up and go over to the window. "I saw them across the pond. The day you kissed me in the park. Thought I was seeing things.""I'm sorry."I turn and walk over to her. "And Eric, it finally makes sense, why he instantly disliked me. Why he thinks he is better than me. He didn't know I would be here did he?""No.""Why are you here? I figured all of it in my own ya know.""I just...."I just wanted to catch her off guard. I pull her into my arms and kiss her sweet soft lips. I have no reason to grill her or shut her out.Heck, I was mad, but I love her. I need her. Nothing is ever tearing us apart again. I have to use every opportunity I get with her to convince her that she belongs to me.I let go and look at her tear-soaked face. "Don't you ever be afraid to tell me anything, Shane.""Because I love you... That's why I'm here." Music to my ears.A tear escapes from her eye. I catch by leaning in and kissing the trail away. "No more tears.""Why don't you hate me?""I never have and I never will. I was mad.. but I've bitched about it enough. We both made horrible mistakes. And we both know we could have done things differently.""I can't believe you're the same guy that was an ass two years ago. You've changed.""Nah, I'm still an ass. I'm just mature now. I have kids you know."She smiles. Only an ass jokes in a moment like this. At least it gets her smiling. I kiss her again. It's these sweet little moments in between all the madness that makes everything feel better."What about Eric?""Who?" I smile. I see my kisses are also toxic."Your husband, Eric.""I gave him his ring back. It's just me and the twins now."I stare at the brown-eyed beauty in my arms. "Did he hit them?""No." Tears fill her eyes. "Just me."I pull her closer to me. "I thought he would stop. He went to therapy and he'd make it up to me... "I stop her from speaking. "Listen to me, I love you. You have me now. I will protect you and I will never hurt you neither will I let anyone hurt you, okay."She nods and rests her face into my chest. I will show her true love. Reverse all the damage that the monster Eric has done. I hate him and if I ever set my eyes on him again I will destroy him.I kiss the top of her head. She is here with me and I will not let my hatred for Eric cloud my mind. Shane is out of his reach and safe in my arms."I'd like to dent his face in.""Jared..""Don't Jared me... I'm not letting him get away with what he did and why in the world do you let him hit you, Shane?""I just..."I take hold of her lips again. I've waited forever to kiss her like this. As much as I want for as long as I want. I let go and cup her face with my hands. "Never again, okay.""Okay.""I love you Shanaé bighead, Shane Morris."She grins and jumps onto me I lose my balance and fall backwards onto my bed. I look up into her sparkling brown eyes I have missed staring into them. They are so beautiful. She is so beautiful. I lift an arm to remove some stray hairs from her face. Then I trace my thumb across her cheek and settle the rest of my fingers across her neck. I pulled her towards me wanting those lips again. She places her hand on my chest to stop me.I sigh. "I'm sorry.."She puts a finger on my lips. "No, Make love to me Jared."

Mmhmm, alright nothing to see here folks. Move it along, move it along.

Well Jared's happy ending has begun. He's got Shane back and two adorable little look alikes. Is it too soon to say SCORE!!!!

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